Most Americans do not get enough sleep each night. Medical experts say that you should get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep, but recent statistics revealed that many people are getting less than 5 to 6 hours.

If you are not getting enough sleep, it can have adverse affects on your overall health. For example, it may cause unwanted weight gain, or a constant feeling of sluggishness throughout the day.

People use many excuses for not getting to bed at a decent time. "I have to clean the house, and nighttime is the only time I can get everything done;" or "I love watching late night television." No matter what excuse you are using, your lack of a good night's sleep can be a problem.

Some people, however, bring their stress problems into the bedroom, and that can have disastrous results. Not only will stress affect your sex life, it will also affect your ability to get the rest you need. No matter what has caused stress throughout the day, you must learn to "let it go" in order to get a good night's sleep.

Tips to Enjoy a Restful Night of Slumber

  1. Create a sleep ritual: Make a commitment that your bedroom will be a place of "peace and quiet." Do not use that time and space to discuss finances, problems with the kids, etc. You can read, listen to soft music, or even make love.
  2. Reduce the alcohol: The quality of your sleep can be affected by the amount of alcohol you drink before you go to bed. Plus, if you do drink too much, you will probably rehash the events of the day that caused you stress, and you will never get to sleep.
  3. Keep a notepad by your nightstand: By keeping a notepad and pen handy, you can jot down your worries, and make a pact to deal with them the next day. You can make a conscious decision to get a good night's sleep, and not let your worries rob you of that pleasure.
  4. Sound proof your bedroom: If you live in a noisy neighborhood and the stress of the outside sounds are causing you sleep problems, invest in some soundproofing. For example, heavy drapes, shutters, carpet, wall hangings, etc., all help absorb excess noise.
  5. Be thankful: As you lay your head on the pillow, instead of thinking about all of the problems and stress in your life, try being thankful for everything that you do have. Medical studies have proven that people who are thankful for the blessings in their lives are healthier, happier, and get a good night's sleep.

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