My mother goes through paper products like crazy. She fills 2 waste cans a day with paper and she doesn't have a cold or sinus problem. One week we went thru 20,000 yes I said 20 thousand sheets of toilet paper. For 3 people. She uses close to a box of tissues a day. We have stopped keeping toilet paper in our bathroom. My mother has to take her own roll when she goes and so do we now. She still uses a thousand sheet roll herself a day. anyone else go through this? We only put paper in the bathroom when we have company now.
Toilet tissue????? I put up a new roll and she goes in there ONE time, half the roll is gone!
Thank God, thank God, for this forum. Because quite frankly, when I 'lose it' it's here I come to see if anyone is losing it.
I swear when the time comes, I'm going to put tons of tissues in the casket with her!
As to wondering how we will be? I've come to the conclusion I could never 'be' this way. I'd rather DIE from whatever it is that gets me first than go through being elderly with dementia (my mother has vascular dementia with paranoia (which is now being helped by medication that the insurance company is now telling us they will no longer pay for two times a day, only one, because 'they' feel two aren't necessary. So much for the doctor's opinion, huh?
This is going to seem very rude, but I'm going to write it anyway because I'm sure someone else is thinking it -- years ago people died from normal diseases that affected the elderly. They didn't spend their 80th decade being put back together (my mom has had open heart (83); knee replacement (85) cancer's removed (which probably didn't need to be) ; She's on at least ten meds that are keeping her alive, oh, and did I mention the diabetes for which she is currently receiving insulin? Oh, wait, there's also the stage !V kidney failure (which apparently happens to all the very elderly in that their kidneys just can't handle the numerous drugs they are trying to process, plus the foods, etc.
I want to die a natural death. Not be someone's burden. And not have to have someone remove impacted feces (as I had to do the other day because she called me from the bathroom, crying).
Today I am stressed. Everyone thinks I'm such a 'good daughter'. I'm not!
I just keep wondering how will we be? How will we feel? What can we do to help ... both our elderly and ourselves to address these issues. So, I'm sharing a somewhat different/similar experience, but I don't have a good idea... except to always be kind and compassionate with all the good ideas.
Good wishes to everyone here. Thanks for sharing all the bizarre and beautiful changes in our lives.
I am a care giver for my husband, an active working R.N., & have lots of tricks up my sleeve for this disease.
So she may use a lot of toilet paper daily-is it a $ problem? If not, just save the old toilet paper empty rolls & split the paper on to say 4 rolls, for each roll, & give that to her daily to use-see if it helps? Good luck...
For toileting, I ripped bounty towels in half and stacked them in the bathroom.
He would use half a towel when in the bathroom which could be flushed. We did not have plumbing issues.
I used to engage him in the twice a week 'folding and bagging" the bounty towels. It was something he could do while sitting in his recliner and made him feel he was useful. It freed me up to do the chores which needed mobility. He actually enjoyed doing anything to help out. In general, I tried to engage him in any chore he could do or assist me with during the day. Even if it is a small assist which you can do yourself faster, I was not in a rush and he had a better mood with being able to help. I always praised him and thanked him for his help, which reinforced that he was still useful.
My mom hoards it everywhere...I empty her pockets before I do her laundry, if not, it's fuzball city on all clothes!! It's stuffed under her pillow, in her drawers, pant pockets , coat pockets, waste bin in the bathroom and yes, even the toilet (she doesn't know it flushes) Hmm....wonder why this fascination with tissue??
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