I read so much of the things that do not happen that should have, or the plans we need to arrange. However, I am not sure I have heard of any situation where someone was elderly and passed away while living at home on their own and everything went according to plan.
Does that ever happen? Can it?
My parents were friends with a couple in their early 80's. They lived independently in a condominium. The wife died suddenly of a heart attack while watering flowers. The husband remained living on his own for two years, and died from pneumonia while in the hospital for a scheduled knee surgery. Neither one needed home care nor long term placement in a facility. It did not appear their children were making medical decisions for them or paying their bills. The husband was a good cook and appeared able to make his own meals and do grocery shopping. I know they had plans in place because at the funeral one of the daughters mentioned that they even had written their own obituaries. I assume when dad died, daughter stepped in and followed the plan.
Maybe it is a combination of planning and a bit of luck, but do things ever go routinely or without neglect and disaster?
my grandmother was living with my aunt with advanced Alzheimer’s …….
Aunt would remind her not to get up from the couch . Aunt went in the kitchen to make grandma lunch .
Grandma who thought it was 1960 and thought she had to get up and walk over to the TV to change the channel , fell , hit her head on the TV stand .
Per my aunt ……grandma went to the hospital via ambulance .
She had a subdural bleed . Grandma was miraculously lucid from the blow to the head . Doctor told her she would most likely not survive surgery , 93 yo . Grandma said “ let me go “. I was not there , they lived on the opposite coast . My aunt said grandma was totally withit and they had nice conversation until grandma went unconscious and died not long after . At least it was relatively quick and she was kept comfortable and had a nice conversation with her daughter .
I wanted to yell at him, who the blank blank blank , doesn't want to die in their sleep.
No, my goal is to die in horrible pain for days!!
I just thought that was one of the stupidest thing I ever heard on TV, at that time.
When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep, just like my grandpa.
Not like the screaming passengers in his car. :-)
I think that how ever we go out is the exact way we are/were suppose to go. My grandmother was gone 12 years before her body died and my grandpa was fully cognizant, losing 1 body part at a time, right to the end, she lost her mind and he lost his body...hard to say what would be an ideal way out.
Me, I want to be living right up until I'm gone, that would be the ideal way for me.
This is a deep consideration and pondering it brings tears to my eyes. All I can think to say is we have all woven a web of cause and effect, or also called sowing and reeping with our lives. We have hurt others and failed but dont want to admit it and that offends God more than we can grasp. The scenario you describe heart attack while gardening or in our own beds tucked in situations without added drama is all I think we can pray and hope for. God's will.
I think the "ideal" scenario is to have all legal ducks in a row (and recently updated), having just had a wonderful time with family and friends, having no profound health or financial issues, then die in your sleep in your own home from your first and last aFib event.
I don't know 1 elder who has died in such a way. I had a 62-year old cousin, extremely fit, financially well-off and 2 years into retirement who died sitting up on his couch having a beer after mowing his lawn. Autopsy showed nothing, so did the toxicology report. My neighbor, a retired cardiac surgeon, said his money was on a first and last aFib event. Painless and fast. Sounds good to me. The flaw in this scenario is that he was too young.
Plan for the worst, hope for the best.
My friend's 90 yr old father passed away recently: over the last several years he had lived with family during the winter but was mostly on his own during the summers, his family took him to hospital when he was feeling a little "off" and he died there a few days later - I'd say that's about as good as any of us can hope for.
Blessings to you as you navigate the second cancer diagnosis.
I think you are correct that in spite of our planning, a monkey wrench can get thrown into the works and we can end up in something we never thought of anyway. We are all on a path that takes us to the same destination - just differences in where we are at on that road.
One can try to put plans in place. Life often interferes in the "best laid plans of mice and men."
My father died in his easy chair without time to say "Hey; I got this pain". He was quite happily watching Monica Lewinsky on Larry King Live and boom.
Easy death, thought certain a shock for us all. They had everything in place for either of their deaths, so things went well.
My brother hoped to beat his early Lewy's Dementia diagnosis to the loss of his mind, went into ALF. Got sepsis from a teeny sore on his leg, and we took him to his room on hospice where he made that dream come true by dying in quite record time. Not a plan, but would have made him very happy to know he got his wish.
My Mom had everything in place, had a fall, then for about 1 month it was one things after another for the fragile woman in her 90s, and we got hospice where she made a quick and gentle final exit.
I have now a diagnosis of my second cancer, with plans in place, with a spread to go to palliative and MAiD (medical aid in dying) with Kaiser's assistance.
I would say that we try our best to make plans. Some work out. Some have a monkey wrench thrown into the works. But that is true of ALL OF LIFE from the moment of our birth. In fact from the moment of the joining of that sperm with that egg. Right?