
My mom, with moderate dementia, was in a SNF for rehab after breaking her hip. She was wearing a pair of pants that were worn so thin. The next time I visited I pulled those pants out of her closet and threw them in the garbage in her room. The next time I came to visit those pants are back in her closet. I asked her if she had taken those pants out of the garbage and she said no. Granted, maybe she had and didn't remember, but her dementia isn't quite that bad. And she was okay with me throwing away those pants. I come back the next time and those pants are again back in her closet! Then it dawned on me - the staff was pulling those pants out of her garbage. They probably thought my mom was accidentally throwing them in the garbage, and they were 'saving' the pants. When I left that day I took the pants with me and threw them away at my house! My mom and I still laugh about that.

That made me :-)

Haha, definitely that's what happened! Glad you could find a laugh.

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