
This is not a question, I just thought I would post this link in hopes it may help someone.
This practice is in the Washington, DC area (not my area) but maybe there are others elsewhere.

Here is the sentence that jumped out for me: "We are often contacted regarding impaired individuals who do not understand that they are having difficulties and require assistance caring for themselves but are refusing to allow it."

This seems to sum up a fair chunk of the questions posed on this site.

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Doesn't it?
But the truth is, if they are refusing to contact help how is it that they are "often contacting" this particular group?

I mean, I wonder if they are trying to say that they "specialize" in treatment of people who are hesitant to reach out for help. But how do they reach them?

Anyway, interesting.....I agree.

I expect they are often contacted by the children or relatives of the impaired individuals. Similar to so many posts we see on here from a daughter, son, niece, nephew “what can we do about X? She/he is refusing to bathe, eat properly, or take their meds and their home is a disaster area.” I am guessing that the concerned relative brings the geriatric psychiatrist to the impaired person’s home and says “Mom, I’d like you to meet…” etc.

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