
The government had to relieve the mental institutions and the insurance companies make more money if they are in a memory care uni. If these incapacitated, mentally unstable people would just have time taken with them to make them use their minds and let them have a little dignity and some say in what happens to them, maybe they could go back and take everyone off of their business? Courts do it with memory care. I would never be heard of again and do something with their selfish kids expecting them to get what they are now calling crazy people's stuff. What a shame.

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I’ve been on here for 6 years and, when my account was mistakenly deleted, blocked, then reinstated, my profile info was deleted. Might be a tech glitch.

I don't have much historical reference since I've only been on AC for a year or so, but I agree that the Profile Page is useful.

No one fills out the profile page anymore!!!

Hi Alva - I agree with you. I'm also wondering if perhaps something changed, and new members aren't directed to their "profile page" to fill out. At first, I figured that some just preferred not to fill out the info, but it seems as if no one new has a profile page anymore - and some people don't even know that there is one.

It'd be nice if the admins made the "profile page" more accessible for new members to utilize.

I do wish there was better admin oversite on some of the questions, posts, and meaningless statements without any real substance or question.
I really believe that AC is not living up to the standards it had years ago. It is disappointing to see.

HI Tammy - Have you had any involvement or experience in personally caregiving for a family member?

Health insurance is NOT paying for Memory Care OR Assisted Living.

Believe it or not there is a horror story going on right now with a friend of mine who we have been friends since we were in first grade. And have remained good friends. Long story short - she was diagnosed with CNS Lymphoma of the brain in December. The lawyer drew up a dual power of attorney with her granddaughter and our friend. Move forward she was put in a coma, put on a ventilator, said they had to put a trach in. We all knew she would never want that. Her granddaughter has gone through most of her retirement investments and spent over $350k in 6 months. Remodeling the house, which she calls hers. My friends signature is not even legible that she signed the POA. And I have found out that she was very hesitant to sign it. This POA form gave her the right to do everything from open loans, sign the house over to her, remodel the house which has done on a very old home that was valued at $45k and put in over $250k. All unbeknownst to her grandmother. She could not even sign her name at the time the POA was formed. Beware who and how you sign things over.

Tammyparidon, welcome to the forum. Like the others on this thread, I don't quite understand your posting.

But I am curious, how are the insurance companies making more $$$ if a person is living in Memory Care?

As for the dual Power of Attorney, those legal papers are always drawn up when the elder has a clear mind. No Attorney would allow an elder to sign if the Attorney thought there was any memory loss. Hope this helps you understand better the legal aspect.

And, which insurance is paying for Memory Care, cause sign me up! My mom’s MC is $6000 per month, and every penny comes from her savings and retirement.

I’d love to see proof of what you’re saying.

Once a part of the brain is damaged due to any number of reasons using your mind is not going to cure, fix or repair what has been damaged.
It is up to the caregiver at that point to make sure that the person retains as much dignity as possible.

One of the things everyone should do is select a POA that you can trust to carry out your wishes.
In general the Court does not get involved unless either a POA has not been chosen or there is a problem with the POA.
Either the POA is making poor choices or another family members disagrees with the POA.

If you would like to clarify your post it might make more sense and you might get a better selection of responses.

Tammy, this is not making any sense, there is no punctuation and I'm not sure what the question is.

If you have a question feel free to ask.

I wish life was that easy to cure dementia. But it's just not

Good luck

I tried to insert punctuation . It’s still difficult to understand . I’m bad with grammar , spelling and punctuation . Even I can’t decipher this .

Dementia isn't something that can be overcome by playing brain games, it's a group of conditions that actually cause brain damage and therefore affect not only cognition but eventually every bodily process. Yes it's a shame that people need to be institutionalized but for the vast majority there is no other viable answer, and most families agonize over making this choice. I'm not sure anybody is making money from memory care except for the hedge funds and multinational conglomerates that own them.

I read an article recently about GenZ not seeing the need for punctuation, but I think a little punctuation goes a long way.

What exactly are you trying to say? Are you saying that the children of parents who are now elderly are just sitting ducks for the children to do as they please to them since they have POAs, and the government is taking all of their assets to pay for poor treatment and inadequate care?

Have you found a cure? A cure for Alzheimer's Disease? Parkinson's Disease? Or the many other types of disease or illness that effect brain health & memory?

And your question is what?

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