
I am hearing more about medical marijuana for seniors in care, and so far I have heard only GOOD things.

Will relate one instance: a friend in Texas whose mom is in a (marvelous) LTC facility.
The mother entered in the late states of Alzheimer's, and this progressed over a period of years in care to going from no longer remembering my friend, her hubby, or any other family, to being nearly completely non-verbal, non-reactive.
I do not know dosages nor how administered, or even what other medications this lovely woman is on. She has near daily visits from family.

A dose of medical marijuana was suggested and the change is PROFOUND.
She is happy, she is verbal. She participates in music now. When my friend arrives she responds with huge smiles and a happy "I missed you! Where have you been".
My friend says she still doesn't know that she is the mother and this is her daughter and SIL, but she does know she knows them, recognizes them when they enter to doorway in a busy room.

Just to say that for her this is working. She never did have complaints of pain, so don't know if any of that has changed. Certainly she is still off her feet, total care, in hospice, and as I said has no recognition, but she DOES communicate, and that happily. She was a wonderful quilter and a lover of animals, and is now taking an interest in visiting animals and art.

Would love to hear any experiences Forum members may have, good or bad?

I missed the whole drug craze in the 60s, was busy having children and suffering jealous fits about those running around stoned in fun clothing driving colorful vans.
So I think, given I am 81, I might, if forced to live a few years, have something to look forward to?
Thinking I should take up tie-dying now.

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If a person finds it to be useful and their doctor has no objections then why not take advantage of it. I think it’s a personal choice.

There will always be various opinions on this topic. Who cares what others think if it works?

If a person doesn’t feel it’s useful for them then they can look into alternative options for their situation.

It can be helpful. I would just say, be careful. My husband and I thought we'd try gummies to help us sleep better. Husband bought some at a local shop and tried them. He was in the habit of using vodka as a sleep aid and wanted to quit. It worked! It's been three weeks now. I thought I'd try one. I should have listened to DH who suggested, "Maybe you should start with half?" Of course I didn't.

We then went off to lunch and to do a little shopping. DH stopped at the farm store to buy a few things and I waited in the car. While he was gone, I started to feel ill. But it was more than just being sick, I was terribly UPSET about being sick. I can't really describe it; it was really awful. I remember thinking maybe this is what it's like to lose your mind. Maybe I'll never feel any better. DH called it a panic attack. If so, it was the first one I've ever had.

We got home and I didn't even make it into the house; I threw up right there in the front yard. Then I went in and went to bed. Next thing I knew it was 5:00 and DH was asking what I wanted to do about dinner. At that point I was a little better, but still pretty nauseous. The next day, okay but I felt kind of fuzzy all day.

All this to say, be careful, talk to someone who knows about the stuff, and preferably someone who knows you and how you react to things. My husband finds it helpful and has continued to use it. I've lost all interest. I don't think there's a benefit that would outweigh the risk of feeling like that again.

I gave my mother edibles. In chocolate, which I doled out to her myself and they relieved her OCD and anxiety quite a lot and made her a tolerable person to visit with. Otherwise, she was so high strung it was impossible to visit with her and not hear about who was stealing what, the possibility of someone breaking into her apartment in AL, and yada yada. Once she ate an edible, she calmed down and RELAXED. I don't know WHY I didn't bring her the edibles when she went into Memory Care......duh.

I myself used CBD gummies with THC when going thru immunotherapy and having a lot of pain. They did a very good job with pain relief AND anxiety relief both. Nowadays, with all the dizziness I suffer, I can only use a CBD gummy with a TINY bit of THC and several types of CBDs for calming purposes. I find far fewer side effects from ANY MJ products than prescribed drugs like Xanax or opioids for pain! Don't let a stigma stop you from giving it a try.

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