
Replacing the much lamented 'On My Mind' profile option, this thread is for musings, jottings, whimsies, preoccupations and the rest of the thesaurus for anyone to jot down anything they please.

I can't remember what the maximum character count was before, can anyone else? But anyway it wasn't very many so let's keep to that.

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Casole, you can get just about anything there over the counter. Insulin, prescription anything, I guess a lot of people from US that either don't have insurance or good insurance for scripts go there to Mexico to get their scripts cheaper. I had no idea.

If I was home, I would of felt it coming on sooner, and would of been able to cure it without antibiotics, but not traveling and in the heat. Next time I travel I'm going to take those cranberry pills before, and see if the doctor will give me a script to take with me. Cuz I have to go to Ireland in the fall. This was very uncomfortable, and keeping my patience in check was not easy! 😵‍💫

Finally getting rid of my sea legs. I'm not rocking as bad this morning.😁

@evamar, the current AARP magazine has an absolute NIGHTMARE story about a woman with excruciating nerve pain, one leg giving out and falling, numbness to awful pain, the actually losing continence of both bowel and bladder, and in W/C and going to doctor after doctor after doctor and even to out of town experts with MRIs and everything. And no answer. Just a nightmare of a story. The medical mystery WAS solved, two surgeries late she can walk again, and they didn't mention much about bowel and bladder. Came down to crushed and impinged nerves kind of "hidden" from the MRI by huge muscles of the thigh. But the pain, the debility, the lack of answers; quite honestly so frightening.
My own daughter, early 60s, dealing with something in hip now, missed for THREE YEARS because they kept telling her "referred" pain from bulging discs in her back. Turns out she had torn tendons and muscles, torn from a fall three years ago right from their anchor. Now a bit better after a "tenex" procedure I have never heard of.
But these things get missed, misdiagnosed, and with your hubby you have the added awful problem in that he cannot completely be a good subjective "reporter" of his symptoms.
So hard, these things. So many things just "missed". They say A.I. is better at getting a real diagnosis when the symptoms are fed in than our own docs with an MRI to read. Yikes.

Sounds like an adventure Nacy! This was a good "trial run"! and I think the Alaskan cruise will be a lot different bc everyone is there for the natural beauty and not the ports etc. so it will be more mellow. You guys did great by the sounds of it, I know you were nervous. I've never been on a cruise.

Funny story the guy who delivered my mom's oxygen commented it looked like a Mexican drug store in their place now I get the imagery. Yo can I get some antibiotics? 😂

My trip was fun and exciting, and stressful, it was good and stressful, and exciting. I watched a show breaking Amish, I felt like them when they got to NYC , hubby was just as bad. Lots of people on a cruise, it's loud, noisy , lights galore, when that got overwhelming I could go to my room and sit on the balcony. Storm came in and we couldn't go to the Bahamas, which was sad, Jamaica was actually too scary, me and are friends and hubby has a gut feeling and went back to the boat. Others had issues with Jamaica too. Caymans is beautiful, and HOT , went to a city called He//, nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there! Mexico was interesting 🤔😃. I got a UTI, a nurse on the ship told me what antibiotics I needed and I went into Mexico drug store and bought it. So that was interesting 🤔 l lots of people go to Mexico to by there prescription drugs, I didn't know that. If I was home I could of flushed my system for days and knocked it out myself.

I've been really dizzy since getting home. Starting to get better now. All in all it was worth it, but I'm not hooked on cruising. Glad we went, we do plan on an Alaskan Cruise in 2026, that's been are goal forever, this will help that go a lot more smoothly.

No calm patch for me. Rather opposite.
It is frustrating that no doctor has any answers or solutions. Hubby on hydromorphone for over a month and even with that in pain all the time. I don’t know what else they would give him if this drug stops working. It looks like it.
Hope it will get better for you day by day as hubby adjusts somewhat.
Good to hear that you are back and enjoyed your cruise.

Peasuep and Way: Sending virtual hugs. 💜

Way and Peas......our thoughts are with you. Sending strength and good thoughts and caring.

Peasuep .

The solution is to run !!! 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️Even if for a long weekend getaway when possible . We are planning on it for June . But who knows if it will need to be canceled 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️.

Hang in there . You are doing a great job !!

Way, this jumping from crisis to crisis can’t be good for you and your husband. I wish there was a solution so you could get some peace.

Eva, it’s so good to ‘hear your voice’. I hope you’ve hit a calm patch.

Golden, from your lips to Gods ears! Everything else in my life has been neglected but when a do manage a quiet hour I can’t focus. This is an unnatural state of mind for me and very uncomfortable.
I love reading your posts - you are so grounded.

It was an experience that's for sure, lots good, and a lots stressful. So glad I did it. Would I do it again 🤔, only if it's Alaska , for hubby's dream vacation. If that happens now it will be much more enjoyable, but otherwise probably not lol.

Being in the middle of the ocean with nothing to see but water pretty amazing.

Welcome home, Nacy! Was it everything you hoped it would be?
I imagine it takes a bit to get your land-legs.

Waytomisery and Peasuep, So sorry you both are going through so much!

I'm having some post cruise dizziness this morning. Drank some electorates feeling a little better.

Way and Psue,
So sorry to read about all of this.
Way, so true no aide will prevent falls.
Psue, hope you get some rest, must be exhausting week.
I am for scream in my pillow thread as well.

Way - I am glad you are home. Sounds like more of the same. How frustrating!!! Aides at her home won't stop her falling anyway. Glad the dr put his foot down re rehab. She will go her merry way till she can't. Nothing much you can do except be prepared for the next one. At some point she will be an unsafe discharge to her home. No one knows when. I'm sorry you have to deal with her sibs and another session of this.

Psue - If you can, enjoy a little relax time. You have earned it.

Golden ,

We are home . MIL tried again to weasel out of going to rehab . Thankfully the doc at the hospital told her if she didn’t go to rehab she would have to sign AMA and that no nurse or therapy or any home health would come to the house.
Fielding phone calls from her two siblings . The one is ridiculous , he wants us to prevent her falls by getting an aide at home ( which MIL will fire ).

MIL will think that rehab is going to make her “ better “ , she will ditch the walker when she goes home ……

Psue - not ridiculous at all. Whatever works. What dh is dressed in is much less important than how he is feeling/behaving.

I get the thyroid analogue. I have had high thyroid too and it's just awful. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Indeed, it will take time for the drugs to kick in and for everyone to get a sense of where dh is at.

cw - that's helpful

way - Oh dear! Are you home yet?. Don't tear your hair out. it takes too long to grow back in. I gather mil's crazy choices are still in force.

Cwillie, that’s interesting. DH seemed less irritated and agitated this afternoon but was still in his pjs and with his leather belt on, on the outside.

I second that, Way.

We need a “ scream in your pillow thread “ , the whine thread isn’t enough .

Peasuep - I noticed with some of the residents at my mom's nursing home it was very evident when they had their medications altered because they would be either asleep or in a zombie like state, but none of them remained that way for long (I think it just takes time for the body to become adjusted)

Golden, it is not going well at all. I do believe the fast acting drug they’ve given DH for the past 2 nights is helping ME! My silly, hopeful mind has convinced itself that it is helping him so I have been able to sleep without nearly as much worry for 2 nights in a row. It’s ridiculous, but I’ll take whatever I can get.

During the day it’s a different story. It will be another week or two before the slow acting drug kicks in. When I visit he can’t sit still. I think I can somewhat understand what he’s feeling. There was a time when my thyroid went out of whack and I felt like I was being chased by something unseen, 24 hours a day. It was nice to be thin for a year but the constant internal buzzing and paranoia was terrible. DH acts as if he feels the same way but without the ability to understand why.
I do think memory care is looming in the near future but we all need to give the drugs time to work. I hope the staff can be patient. It’s very difficult to base decisions on what is best for DH when I don’t really know what that is.

(((((Way)))) I'm sorry. This just goes in circles, doesn't it? One day she will be ill or injured enough that she can't go home. Until then it is her decision, as she says. Obviously she has conned the hospital sw. I hope dh made some headway with her. I hate that the relatives are putting pressure on dh and you to "do the right thing". As if you wouldn't, if you could.

Let us know how it works out. Mil will spin all the tales she needs to, to to get her own way. It may be her downfall.

How are you holding up?

((((Psue)))). Big learning curve! So hard on all of you. At least you have some meds now. Next step is to get them administered appropriately. It's such a big change for both you and dh. Good for you getting the meeting postponed. That was a very good move. I honestly can't see that it would have been productive. Everyone has anxieties to deal with. Dh needs time to adjust to his new environment and for the staff to figure out what is best for him. As you say, the combination of meds is tricky.

How did it work out for dh last night? Are there still thoughts of moving him to MC?

Did you get any sleep?

I agree, Margaret! I’m having Jeopardy problems, (too far into the narrative to post, coherently, in the form of a question!) I’ll try to focus!

Peasuep, it might help you (and me) if you open your own thread, with a discussion or a question. Then you wouldn't be posting 'all over the place'. When people post on the general threads in lots of places, I get confused too!

I went in to see the nurse this morning and asked if DH was given anything for his agitation last night; he was not. I’m not being critical, I think they may not know how upset he is since I’m talking him through it. She offered just what you suggested Way, dosing at about 6pm every night for awhile since it should work for about 4 hours. Last night he called around 9. We’ll re evaluate in a week or so.
He SAYS he’s sleeping at night and he isn’t falling asleep during the day while I’m talking to him like he was at home. But he obviously isn’t a good self reporter.

I think I understand a little bit better about the juggling act some meds require. Heart failure - you don’t want them to retain fluid; nighttime urine incontinence - you DO want them to retain fluid. You want them relaxed but you don’t want them dizzy or falling down. Not sure what the contraindications for these new antianxiety meds are and if they play nice with all the other things he’s taking. All are above my pay grade I’m afraid. It will be interesting to see what happens tonight.

Send, I’ve been all over the place on the forum with my issues, not knowing where to park. There are so many overlapping concerns! I’m getting good, actionable advice though, from posters I trust and admire, so it’s paying off.

I’m about 10 minutes from the AL facility and for the first week I was maintaining DH’s meds myself. Big mistake, my fellow newbies! Relinquishing control is scary but if you don’t, it makes it harder for the facility and the PCP to work together and pivot when it’s necessary. One lesson learned; many, many to go.

@ Peasuep,

When DH does this , call the facility and tell them to give him his med .
Giving him the med each night before he is in such a state would be better . Hopefully in time you can have the med order changed to every night at bedtime if it is noted it is needed.

Unfortunately , sometimes the phones are not answered and you do have to drive there to talk to staff , until your husband gets on a med routine .
It really should not be this difficult to ask for an evening med daily . Sorry you are going thru this .

As far as your question below . I’ve seen it both ways . Some are exhausted the next day after a tough night , others act like nothing ever happened . How do you know your DH is able to sleep at night ?

It seems doctors are all over the place regarding meds . My sister’s neurologist only gave her Aricept . Waste of time since she’s past the point of that doing anything . The PCP , addressed her anxiety and agitation too aggressively in my opinion . Two new meds at once . She is refusing the med she should be on , Seroquel , at night . She won’t take it because she says she’s “ not schizophrenic, or psychotic “. She googled what Seroquel is for . But it is used very often at night for Dementia anxiety and agitation too . However she takes the Xanax during the day which is not a good drug with Lewy Body . But she is willing to take that one 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. She’s been sleeping more during the day . In my opinion she should take the Seroquel at night ( it worked well for her when she had delerium in the hospital ). I think the Xanax and Aricept should be discontinued .

There were times when nothing but boots on the ground would help, and it was a two-hour drive. I wasn't the primary caregiver, not the POA, but my dH and I would go anyway.

Maybe you can go an hour before visiting hours are over.
I don't know if you are able to go or not.

Find out if the AL actually takes on the responsibility of administering the meds,
or do they have a different care plan?

Apologies if I have not kept up about your struggles, hoping this will be helpful.

I think this is the time to go, or reach the nurses station, if there is one at an AL.
"when to give the prn med. as last night DH again called me,
** frantic,
**to talk him off the precipice and
** into his pjs and bed.
** Lots of confusion, disorientation, fear and even some crying,"

The family meeting has been canceled. My request is that we let the 30 days until re-evaluation at the facility play out, provided DH’s PCP and I could kiss and make-up and he could get some meds for his off-the-chart anxiety.

The PCP appointment was a little tense but fruitful. We came away with a slow to start medication as well as a prn. Now I’ve got to figure out how they determine when to give the prn med. as last night DH again called me, frantic, to talk him off the precipice and into his pjs and bed. Lots of confusion, disorientation, fear and even some crying, but no medication! He is able to sleep afterwards but I’m not! Today I will ask about their definition of “as needed”.

@Burnt, and anyone else with gobs of experience with Alz, when I ask DH the morning after a bad night if he remembers calling me, he says he doesn’t. He also says he doesn’t remember being so very upset. My questions: does the memory of deep distress like that linger somewhere in the unconscious mind? Does it take time to dissipate in the body, like the rush of adrenaline when you’re in danger? Is it possible to experience that much confusion without fear or that much anxiety without physical effect? if not, why on Earth would there be any reluctance to medicate?
Or, is it a waste of time to ask questions like this?

enjoy your trip . Stay off Forum while on vacay !! Forget about caregiving for now . You are on respite .

This really belongs in the whine thread but …….MIL’s siblings want to know how her surgery went and they do not understand why we can’t just “ do the right thing “ and talk to the doctor . The doctor and nurses at the hospital will not speak to DH without MIL’ s permission. Sheez .

You also can’t force a stubborn elder , who won’t even put her son ( DH) as the contact person at the hospital . She has her partner who has dementia as the contact .

DH left another message and is waiting for the social worker to hopefully call back to talk about how she’s not safe , falls, and we think she has dementia . We will be driving out tomorrow most likely .

We did speak to MIL on the phone again about her safety . She’s adamant it’s her decision , but also spoke in circles , first she says she knows she has to move , and then she says she will get a stair lift . I said if you move you won’t need a stair lift . Then she says she has no problem with stairs and she just needs to heal .
Keeps saying it’s her decision . She’s definatly not recognizing the crisis . I know this all too well . We’ve been hearing for years she either is fine or will make a change that she never follows through on .

Meanwhile DH’s uncle is saying “ there are legal ways around her refusals if she’s not competent .” And that “ your her son you have to do the right thing “.

DH didn’t tell his uncle that he has no intention of seeking guardianship .

MIL supposedly had a POA drawn up recently and she says she signed it .

My head is already pounding . I can’t do this again with one of our parents . Twice was enough . 3rd time is not a charm , for sure .

Edit .
Well the social worker says MIL seems lucid at this time and is refusing to go to rehab on Friday . We will be traveling early tomorrow morning . The social worker said if she refuses rehab at time of discharge they will have her sign herself out AMA.
She’s not lucid in my opinion . Unsafe discharge failed .

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