
She used to know that she had to file her taxes and that she has been doing so for the last 40 years.
She used to know her grandchildren's names.
She used to know who she was looking at in a picture and be aware that it was the same person she's standing next to now.
She used to know which of her kids was the youngest, middle and oldest.
She used to know that she had 4 kids.
She used to know that I have 4 kids.
She used to know that her brother had 3 kids.
She used to know that her brother had a daughter.
She used to know that she had a brother.
She used to know that a light is not a picture.
She used to know that she had to brush her teeth everyday.
She used to know that she needs to change her clothes every day.
She used to know when she had 6 rolls of toilet paper right before her eyes and not feel the need to message me 4 times in an hour demanding I get her some because she has none.
She used to know how to use her bank card.
She used to know that five 20's was $100 dollars, not $56.
She used to know that $3.99 is not a lot of money.
She used to know how to dial a telephone.
She used to know that all the Josh Allen profiles on Facebook are not the real Josh Allen and that Josh Allen would not hit on an 81 year old woman.
She used to know that sunshine through her window wasn't a reason to hyperventilate and freak out.
She used to know that I can't come visit her during snow storms or when I'm sick.
She used to know how to talk to people and be nice and not say the rudest thing that comes to her mind directly to their face.
She used to remember that I have two jobs, kids and a house and can't drop what I'm doing because she needs more Fixodent.
She used to know that a full tube of Fixodent is not needing more full tubes of Fixodent, RIGHT now. Same for bottles of body wash.
She used to know that it doesn't make sense to get angry at someone for doing something she asked them to do less than 5 seconds earlier, and then get angry at them again for stopping because she got angry.
She used to know that I'm not the only adult child she has that can help her.
She used to know that breaking her glasses for attention wasn't a good idea.
She used to know that doctors don't intentionally diagnose someone with cancer if they don't actually have cancer just for the money.
She used to know that doing laundry takes longer than 10 minutes.
She used to know that cars have to make turns in traffic sometimes and making those turns was not done to be mean to her or that the driver is a bad driver.
She used to be able to pick out a Harley Davidson from a half mile away, just by the sound.
She used to know what a motorcycle is and didn't panic when she heard one.
She used to know that all food isn't chicken and can't all be chicken and that's not something to be angry about.
Last week she knew she was given medicine every day.
Yesterday she didn't think she should stop taking the medicine the nurse "doesn't" give her.
Last month she knew she doesn't have to finish her coffee before leaving the table or she wouldn't be allowed to get up.
She used to know my son was not adopted and that it's possible for white people to make babies with brown people.
She used to know 3 of her grandchildren are POC.
She used to know not to say racist things to or about her grandchildren or their parents.
She used to know not to say racist things.
She used to know how to form sentences that were cohesive.
She used to know it wasn't an appropriate response to pant and heavy breathe because she was asked if she wanted a blanket.
She used to know what Dementia is.

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I’m so sorry.

Same here, same.

You did make me smile when you wrote about Josh Allen. Hugs from a former WNYer.

(((((((Hugs)))))) Very poignant. Sad for you and your mother. It's a terrible disease.

Oh man, mommabeans, I want to reject this post and embrace it at the same time. You got me in the pit of my stomach, but in some weird way it is helpful.

You've said it all...dementia SUCKS!!!

So much pain in your post, for what was and what has been lost. It’s what we hate seeing in our loved one and fear for ourselves. I hope sharing has somehow helped just a bit

As Oliver Sack said "They have their own world; it just isn't OUR world".

Self reporting my comment in hope that admins will consider moving your comments to Discussions where others may wish to participate in your thought-provoking comments.
Thanks, Momma.

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