
A good night's sleep, chocolate, the happiness and satisfaction of sharing on AgingCare forum. Does anyone have some favorite things to think about? Yes, this phrase is from the song in the movie "The sound of Music". My husband and I often resort to using movie lines and song to improve communication. We were the only two in a gathering of people who heard the background music playing. We both had the same (cassette tape/CD). A connection bringing two people together. To this day, we crack up when one uses a simple movie line to make a serious point.
SO, What is one of your favorite movie line, some of your favorite things?

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🌸⭐️🌸⭐️🌸 This is now my favorite quote:

"Organized people are
just too lazy to look for things."


A new favorite quote of mine:

"If you cannot do great things,
do small things in a great way."


"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people."

just saw this great quote. i love it!


"Kind genuinely good-hearted, kind people...These are the people who God walks with. And they're the last ones you want to f**k with."


“And suddenly you just knew it was time to start something new, and trust the magic of new beginnings.”


"Falling in love is like owning a dog. It's a lot of work, and they can make a mess, but in the end, it's worth it because they just might save your life." 

Happy Birthday, and after Christmas birthdays to the December born people.

My dH is a December birthday, tomorrow. Another reason to celebrate!
He is getting a new wedding band, after losing his gardening, he says.

Happy Birthday to our friend Luckylu! She deserves a Happy Birthday this year, always giving to everyone else!

Many happy days ahead!

nacy - Vermont is a lovely place to visit and the smell of pine...

psue - I remember Lincoln Logs. We had a set when I was a child. They are great toys. The plastic wouldn't do it. Amazing they are still available.

Nacy, I’ve seen those on line, they are adorable. I bet the one you have is super special since it comes with memories of a fun trip.

I order evergreen scented candles from the same company every Christmas and save the little tins for GD so she can store odds and ends in them.

Speaking of log cabins and favorite things, I decided to order a set of Lincoln Logs this year so my GD can construct villages on my console table as Christmas decorations. Egads, the price!
So I ordered a big off-brand set called ‘Wooden Logs’ - much cheaper. I got them yesterday. They are plastic. Rookie Amazon mistake! I’m sending them back and have already ordered a much smaller Lincoln Log set at a much higher price. I figure I can add sets to it over the years. In about 10 years (and several hundred dollars) I should have the village I envisioned, and maybe a great grandchild to build it!

🙂 Watching a movie and yelling at the characters for doing something stupid.

i looooove ——.
i’m not revealing his name.

Babies. I love babies.

I've been watching a match-making show. It's interesting to see how some people choose to meet their future spouse. I met my husband randomly through a common hobby.

18 october 2024, friday

still watching xmas movies...
even starting to write letters to Santa about what i want this year...
(hint, my wish list might or might not have to do with my crush)

17 october 2024

i'm starting to watch xmas movies. please don't tell anyone.
(i also continue to have a crush on someone. please don't tell anyone that either.)

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Golden I immediately recognized the version you quoted, but although the singing is amazing I have to say I've always thought it sounds like he forgot the lyrics and just kept singing anyway LOL

Some where over the rainbow 🌈
Way up high...

Great song as sung by Judy Garland and also I love the version by IZ -Israel Kamakawiwoʻole

Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Is where you'll find me.

If it's not your burden to carry, you may just have to put it down.

It is really really true that no good deed goes unpunished.

I never learned to wait to be asked to help. I just see a need, and fil it.

It's Sunday and dH came home from church early.

jwellsy, I was lucky to have skied at Heavenly once. It truly was heavenly.

"We don't need no stinking badges" (Treasure of Sierra Madre), "And don't forget plenty of body bags" (Rambo, First Blood), "Would YOU go down there? I wouldn't go down there!!" and "Dink dink"(Spaceballs).

One of my favorite things is snow skiing. South Lake Tahoe has a famous ski resort called Heavenly. From on top of the mountain you can see the beautiful blue shades of Lake Tahoe which never freezes because it's so deep. The top of the mountain is a very harsh environment and it's right at the top of the tree line. The few trees that do manage to cling to life between the boulders are ancient gnarly contorted figures. It looks like a giant natural bonsai garden. The first thing I like to do when get off a chairlift at the top is get off to one side and say a prayer thanking God for making such magnificence for us to enjoy. I swear that standing at the the top of Heavenly Ski Resort, I can actually hear angles singing.

Send Help,

On most difficult words to say. Another contender.

“I don’t know.”

My DH calls it “What’sThisHereSauce” .


Enjoy your crush.

for anyone wondering (i bet you're all wondering all day, every day), yup i still have a crush on him. nope, i haven't said anything to him. i'll update again in 10 years. 🙂

stay tuned. 🤓

Those were Judy Garland's lyrics!

One of my other favorites is Eva Cassidy singing

Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

I've always loved the way Judy Garland sang that song

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

Some of the most difficult words to say are:

"I was wrong"

"I need help"


Worcestershire sauce.

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