
Sorry to say, but this site has been so depressing for a few days. I thought I'd ask an average, everyday make us all feel a little more normal today.

I made Eggplant Lasagna, and my BIL and SIL are coming for dinner. They leave for Cali tomorrow to see their beautiful grand daughter.

Sorry, sometimes we just need some REGULAR conversation.......or at least THIS caregiver does.

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Thank you Burnt

Maple syrup isn't a flavour it's a staple, when we were kids sometimes we got a little dish full with bread and butter on the side for dessert! LOL
I'm so happy the weather has turned, the sap is running, and soon I'll be able to visit my local sugar bush to replenish my stock 🍁😄


You're not alone with taking a swig from the bottle on occasion. I am guilty as charged with that.

Marinating pork chops with maple syrup sounds like the most delicious thing in the world. I do enjoy a chop or a nice ham from time to time even though I'm Jewish. I think I might try making some chops with a little maple syrup and bourbon because that sounds like a winner to me.


I just got some real Canadian maple syrup. God knows what it's going to cost now with the new taxes on anything from Canada. Maple syrup is my favorite flavor. I even put a little in my coffee. I make maple fudge which is so good. I will not live without it. If I have to start tapping my own maple trees in the woods I will.

pancakes of course, some with maple syrup and some with peaches, blueberries and coolwhip


No, you also use plain AP flour, buttermilk, and a beaten egg.

Crush and season the cornflakes. Dip the chicken pieces in the four, then in the buttermilk/beaten egg mixture. Then in the seasoned cornflakes. Brush a baking sheet with oil then brush the chicken pieces with oil or spray them with cooking spray. Bake at 400 degrees for about 40 minutes or so until the chicken is golden brown and cooked all the way through.

Tilapia baked with sliced onions which i brown a little first. Then layer with fish,halved smaller tomatoes.lots of lemon juice,olive oil and I add pitted olives. Also add some herbs but definitely oregano and parsley.

Burnt, are the cornflakes the only ingredient that are used to coat chicken?

Bought a bag of chips and ate the whole thing (a smallish bag TG) so dinner is a veggie stir fry with plain rice


I've oven-fried chicken with crushed and seasoned corn flakes too. It's delicious.

Pan fried salmon again. R made a wrap with a large spinach tortilla, then tartar sauce, then the salmon topped with spinach salad with strawberries and sunflower seeds and a little vinaigrette type dressing. He pronounced it excellent. I had the salmon and salad .

Had to smile at first tag on your comment - 'burnout'!
Guy in grocery few days ago had one arm in a sling, watching me deciding on a ham steak (they were on sale and big enough for a few meals). He said you know you can put those on the grille - already cooked so just need to get it hot enough and sear it...makes for a quick easy meal. He was right! I don't have a grille but the little Presto griddle worked just as well (top surface about size of a 8.5x11 sheet of paper).

@ Burnt,

I’ve done the oven fried chicken with flour . DH likes the shake and bake oven fried because it reminds him of KFC without the grease . It’s the big crusty flakes he likes ..
Ive also done it with breadcrumbs and seasoning too .

Alva, it's carried by Walmart. (Creamette pasta)

Are you referencing Dirty Sally?

We love goulash, created my own recipe but, always interested in any upgrades or hacks.

I put loads of carrots, onion, mushrooms, fresh parsley and tomatoes in mine, like the one dish meals for busy days.


Back in the 70's and 80's we used to buy fish that had been frozen into a solid brick, mom would cover the whole thing with crumbs (bread, crackers, potato chips or whatever), herbs and things like chopped up onions, peppers, tomatoes and cheese.... I've never been a fish person but that I liked. Now the frozen fish is all in individual fillets and although I've tried I've never been able to replicate that.

Here's another kitchen hack.

We like fish, mostly baked but, occasionally the fish just needs to be fried, so, you can use crackers that are ground up finely, seasoned with salt and pepper and a little dried dill weed, wash your fish shake off excess water, dredge in cracker crumbs, lay on a greased baking sheet and give it a spray of olive oil. Totally fills the fried fish hunger without all the grease.

You can substitute bread crumbs, shake and bake or the hack to accomplish this.

Way, you can add seasonings to the croutons. I would think that some garlic, onion, pepper and a bit of chicken bullion would make plain croutons taste like fried chicken.

We really enjoy the Italian on pork, good on chicken but, garlic parm on chicken is the best.

Burnt, your fried chicken must be bland as cardboard ;-)

My fried chicken is soaked for a minimum of 2 days in buttermilk, dredge in seasoned, with garlic, onion, black pepper, paprika, salt and cayenne flour with some baking soda and powder to ensure a fluffy crunchy coating.

Found a great recipe for what my mom used to call "Sally's Golash". And I am ON for it. It even has the milk and tomato soup she used to use in her's. Cremette macaroni is sure harder to find now, though.


Fried chicken is just coated with seasoned flour. What I like to do is make 'oven' fried chicken with Japanese panko breadcrumbs. It cooks up nice.

Thank you to all for the birthday wishes .

Shake and Bake has a crispy fried chicken flavor that my DH likes , but it’s expensive . I don’t do it often .

I haven’t tried it yet but my daughter makes a chicken recipe with crushed potato chips when she’s at the bottom of a bag of chips .

The crouton idea sounds good, especially since we tend to not use them fast enough in salads and they go stale .

Just wanted to share my shake and bake hack, because I am to cheap to spend 6+ bucks on it.

Get a bag of croutons, let the air out and use your rolling pin to crush fine. They have enough oil that you don't need to dredge your meat in anything for it to stick nicely.

Makes good chicken nuggets too!

Happy birthday way!

Way: Happy birthday, young lady!

They still sell shake n bake! My grandmother used to make me the best shake n bake pork chops, I wish mine were as good as hers (they were probably seasoned with extra love 🥰)

Anyone remember Bake n' Shake? Or was it Shake n' Bake?
Coating your chicken in that made it crispy.
Baking is always better than frying (or deep-frying) your chicken. That is bad for you.

Counting the calories and the price at any fast foods causes my b/p to raise, but I get even hungrier. We're out and about doing errands, and the need to eat strikes me. Now, we just go straight home instead of trying 3 fast foods places-the lines are too long; the place is too dirty; the price is too much.

Bought a steak and shared it at home for $20.00. On a salad made it
'Steak Diane'.
Fast food would have been $30.

Splurging is buying packaged shredded carrots and shredded cabbage to add to the lettuce salad at home, making preparation quicker than fast foods. And making the salad dressing from scratch will save lots. (And it was good.)

Have a wonderful birthday dinner, Way. 🌹


That's nice that your son helped you like that. You've got good kids.


Happy Birthday, my friend. I hope you have the best one ever!


That was sweet of your son to walk behind you .

Golden ,
Thanks !!

Happy Birthday, Way. 🎂🎉🎈 Have a great time with your family!

Love leftovers.

Everyone's food sounds so good!

Ribs tonight with baked potato with all the trimmings for R, and salad for both of us.

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