Sorry to say, but this site has been so depressing for a few days. I thought I'd ask an average, everyday make us all feel a little more normal today.
I made Eggplant Lasagna, and my BIL and SIL are coming for dinner. They leave for Cali tomorrow to see their beautiful grand daughter.
Sorry, sometimes we just need some REGULAR conversation.......or at least THIS caregiver does.
We’re a nut-free home. Me + nuts = death.
Moroccan lentil beef soup worked well. R said he could smell it out on the hallway. I've tasted it so much I don't want to eat any now,
I've spent much if this year finding out what was causing my IBS- D with cramps and also sinus headaches. Think I have most of it nailed now. Fortunately I am OK with almond milk. I also like hazelnut milk but can't get it everywhere. Coconut milk works for me too.
Would lactaid or lactose free milk help you? Dd has to use it.
I've taken to eating straight nuts - pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts etc as well as straight peanuts. They seem to satisfy me better. and have decent amount of fiber and lots of nutrients.
Soaking some lentils to make a Moroccan beef lentil soup. I can't get enough soup these days.
Made coconut chicken veg soup for me last night and just had some this morning. Soup is my comfort food. R got curried chicken, and carrot/cabbage fritters last night, I've found a few more things that are contributing to the sinus headaches. Been free of them for a few days now.
Going to clean out my "baking cupboard" and organize it better. Maybe I'll bake more then! R is still working on the last batch of PB cookies. He puts them with yogurt in his smoothie and says it tastes like cookies and cream.
Love thin soups - lots of tasty broth. R likes soup so thick it is almost a stew - throw everything into it.
cwillie, how do you prepare your corn on the cob? I had always done it in a pot on the stove like mom and GM until my SIL told me how to do it in the microwave. So much faster and easier - Yay for technology but I felt so dumb!
I spent a lot of time yesterday baking with GD and then half of this morning cleaning up! Cooking with kids is fun but messy and uses twice the usual number of dishes.
Turkey necks and sauerkraut here. It's so easy and smells good!
I'm thinking the spicy chicken mole soup must be very good. Have a great visit.
Nacy, I gave my kids Pedialyte and it did seem to help. When they finally asked for peanut butter on toast I knew they were on the mend.
I hope you’re both back to your peppy selves soon!
taking notes. forgot about taking xmas dinner into account.
i think my only hope is to stop eating from today till thanksgiving.
bundle of joy
It depends on what you’re having for Christmas dinner!
For the last 5 years I’ve ended up with 5 extra lbs. at the end of every year that absolutely, positively does not budge unless I give up dinners all together.
How long will it take to work off Thanksgiving dinner?
This morning, facing delays in getting my coffee and waiting 2 hours for dH to wake up, I decided to prepare breakfast in a hurry from the home frozen meals in the freezer.
We had microwaved Green Chile Pork and Sweet potato mashed. Dh did not say a thing, I just handed him a plate and he ate it. No discussion, no waiting, breakfast was done by 9:30 a.m.
Coffee came later.
I liked the change, and I was hungry for anything hot.
Later, I sat outside for two hours (in the car) and watched an entire family of red-tailed hawks learning to fly, dive bomb, and hunt. Beautiful days, colder nights.
However, I think that the recipe calls for uncooked hamburger, then baking it all together inside the pepper, like making a meatloaf.
Next, saving myself some trouble, stir frying it all together, peppers cut up in a casserole, add spanish rice.
and this one for the cherry pound cake. It looked just like that.
Mother actually used a Madeira cake recipe and added the cherries.
Re marzipan, I don't know that I had a recipe. Certainly I didn't use rose water. I think mother just showed me how to do it. I blanched and ground almonds, mixed them with egg white and powdered (icing)sugar and added almond extract. You got a feel for the right proportions. This recipe would be like it but of course we didn't have a food processor - it was all done by hand.
Your glazed sherry cake sounds awesome - surrounded by glazed home grown plums!!!
I need to quit reminiscing and get back to sorting out my little freezer. It's home frozen meals till we use most of them up. I need to know what is hidden in there.
Looking up Dundee cake……..
Cherry pound cake sounds beautiful! I make a glazed sherry (not cherry) cake that I would surround with sherry glazed Italian plum halves from my tree. My tree now belongs to someone else (sniff, sniff)
My mom and I both love marzipan. Did your recipe have food grade rose water in it? I looked for it once to try making some for her it but gave up.