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Corky, you should fill out the profile, it would be easier to answer your post.

How old is your husband?
His health related conditions?
Is he home with you?

Benzo family of drugs are addictive, but can provide someone much relief from anxiety. So my answer would change greatly on his age. I wouldn't mind my mother being on benzos at 88 if it helped her, but me at 60 and healthy would not be a good thing .

Also Alcohol, if he does drink mixing to 2 is very bad.

Best of luck
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Quentapine, or seroquel, is an antipsychotic, not an anxiolytic. Its use is to treat delusions and hallucinations. This class of drug can induce uncontrollable and eventually permanent tics called tardive dyskinesia.
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Every drug has potential side effects and warnings, even baby aspirin! Your husband is suffering from anxiety and agitation and requires some relief. Give this drug a try and see if it does bring him relief before you forecast doom and gloom, thats my suggestion. This medication balances the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. These hormones help regulate the mood, behaviors and thoughts. Alzheimers/dementia is very difficult to deal with and the poor sufferer and his caregiver need relief somehow.

Btw, Seroquel is not in the "benzo" class of drugs and not addictive.

Best of luck to you.
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