I found these quotes on The Holistic Psychologist's Facebook page and I thought they would be helpful with how to establish boundaries in a difficult relationship.
Boundaries sound like:
“I understand you are angry, but do not speak to me that way”
“I won’t be able to make it”
“I would appreciate you not brining this up anymore”
If you text me, I’ll text back at a time that works best for me”
Boundaries include an action:
“If this continues, I won’t be spending time here”
“If you cannot respect what I’m asking, I’ll need space”
If you continue to pressure me or attempt to guilt me,
I’m going to have to end this conversation”
Boundaries Feel like:
confusion, terrifying, and guilt ridden
(if we come from codependent dynamics)
Hang up,
Walk away.
If you give an explanation you are inviting a discussion as to why you are wrong.
But dH got to work on time today.