
I'm being told by hospital staff in Asheville,NC that only two snfs accepted me and they put out 400 applications. The next day they have me until 5 to decide and now are saying it's all up to the SNF to make sure I have my wheelchair, prescribed bed, etc. I think he's lazy and lying. I think they went with the fastest option and said the heck with my rehab! Also they're forcing me off suboxone (telling me they're on no pain medicine) and forcing me to change Medicare providers so they get paid my whole check. I don't know what to do.

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My MIL is in LTC. She had a broken back injury in 1991 that left her with chronic pain. She is now 89 and lists when in a traditional wheelchair. She is on Medicaid and her facility ordered her a very fancy specialty wheelchair, paid for by Medicaid. If your equipment isn't meeting your needs, and you are on Medicaid, be sure to ask about other options. I wish you all the best in your situation.
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If you have Medicare Advantage, there are VERY FEW rehabs that accept this plan of insurance. As for the rest of your post, I don't understand it, sorry.
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Are you going to rehab or straight to an SNF?

Are you on traditional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage? Are you on Medicaid for your health insurance suppliment.

If you are being placed in Rehab, Medicare pays 100% for 20 days. 50% after that up to 100 days. You or maybe your suppliment, pays the other 50%.

From what you have written sounds like you are going directly to Skilled Nursing. If you have no money, then Medicaid has to be applied for. This means you will be Medicaid pending. SNFs only have so many Medicaid beds. So your SW has to find you a facility with an bed available that can give you the care you need. Some of these facilities may not take Medicaid pending. And yes, if you go on Medicaid, you will have to use your SS check and any pension to offset the cost of your care.

If you will be applying for Medicaid and get excepted, u will still keep your Medicare but Medicaid will become your supplimental. In that instance, Medicaid only uses certain insurance providers so maybe reason for the change.

If you are going to a SNF, they will have the appropriate bed for you and if not they can order one. And yes, a wheelchair, bed and anyother durable equipment you need will be ordered by the SNF not the hospital.

This is all very complicated. Do you have family that can help you understand what this means? Maybe you can ask for an advocate to explain everything.
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I'm sorry you're in this situation but not sure how we can give best guidance by only knowing your side of the story.

"...forcing me to change Medicare providers so they get paid my whole check."

Do you mean Medicaid? Medicare doesn't have anything to do with your "check"... do you mean SSDI income? SS?

How can "they" force you off of suboxone? Who is "they"? Is your primary physician not renewing it? You can't stay on it forever...

You have to go to a rehab facility that accepts Medicaid recipients and has available beds. I think Asheville has a large older retiree population and therefore its medical facilities (plus a labor shortage) may be straining availability...

Others on this forum may have more helpful info for you...
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