
I was just wondering if anyone else on here who had or hasa loved one in hospice for colon cancer. My dad has colon cancer and he has been in hospice for almost a year now. He has lots of swelling and fluid gathering in his chest, sometimes bleeds. Other then that no pain or other symptoms. What was your experience like with your loved one on hospice for colon cancer? Did they have similar symptoms? Different symptoms? How long were they on hospice?

The swelling and retained fluid should be discussed with Hospice Nurse. If this is an ongoing condition they should be able to manage it. If it is new please call the 24/7 number.

And FYI my Husband was on Hospice for almost 3 years the diagnosis was Alzheimer's probably also Vascular dementia
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Reply to Grandma1954


I know you want answers of what to expect, and I would bet you have asked everyone, both hospice personnel who daily deal with such diagnoses, and the doctor caring for your Dad. I would bet they told you that they just can't make good guesses. They try to give a kind of guess if you insist, a kind of time frame, but each patient is as individual as his or her own thumbprint, and it is just impossible to guess the course of these things.

I'm glad you have hospice and glad that you're not telling us of any uncontrollable pain. The fact that there is swelling may indeed indicate some organ failure, but Margaret is right; things progress so differently for each individual.

100 people could come and give you 100 instances of their own loved one dying, and you would be unlikely in any of them to find a "match" that can help you in prediction of outcome for your dad.

Can you give me some idea now of what is most worrisome for you? Are you afraid that Hospice help might be removed? Are you afraid that suffering will increase? Are you worried about the fact that after this last year this seems just endless and that there will NEVER be any peace for either your dad or those who love him?
And how is your Dad himself faring now in all of this?

My heart goes out to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I’ve just looked up colon cancer on Google, and I’d suggest that you do the same as you have a fair idea about where your F is on the scale. Google says it’s very slow growing, with 95% survival at 5 years. Hospice can be extended, so being in hospice doesn’t help much with a time frame.

You need to talk to F’s doctors about this. If you are providing care yourself, you really need a time frame so that you can plan your own life. Commiserations to you and to your Father.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen
Calcifer94 Dec 31, 2024
Yeah I saw that, I believe the 5 years is with treatment though. He did not have any treatment he's older and didn't want it. So he hasn't had any surgery or chemo. They offered him 6 months if chemo and surgery 8 or 9 months ago. His cancer is a around a 3 or a 4 I am guessing (cant accurately stage without surgery and other tests he refused,) and is moderately differentiated with possibility of metastasis. Organ failure is happening because of the swelling and edema. Every one of his doctors said he had 6 months or less with no treatment or surgery he has been reevaluated for hospice a couple of times now and put back on each time.
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