
My brother is the trustee for my Mom and Dads will. My Dad passed in April and my brother had my Mom move in with him. He had a notary come to his house and made himself with my Mom’s signature make him her POA. She has dementia and didn’t know what she was signing. I was fine with it because he was taking care of her. After four months he said he could no longer care for her so she moved in with me. I asked to be on the account her SS and my Dad’s pension go into but he said no. I would need to give him receipts and nothing can exceed $100. Without his approval. I would be given $350. A month to cover food, clothes, toiletries but he would reimburse for doctor and RX co pays, depends, grooming. I asked If something happened to him how would I have access to her accounts for her care? He said a trust attorney had instructions so it would be fine. When I pushed for trust attorney contact info. He now says we don’t need one and I could use my equity line of credit until things got figured out if something happened to him. Should I just not worry about this or have something in place if needed?

Contact a lawyer that specializes in family law or elder law. Seems your brother is not being honest with you or doing things in your mom's best interests.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Taarna

In my opinion, $350 isn't enough to care for your Mom on a monthly basis. Relying on him to reimburse you for the other expenses doesn't sound viable either, since he has already realized how much work and expenses, your Mom requires and has turned over daily care of her to you.

i suspect your Mom gets way more than $350 a month after taxes, from Social Security and pension.

I would get an elder attorney to sort out the facts now, before she goes even deeper into dementia.

...and no, a line of credit that you are taking out on your credit history, is not a good idea. Your Mom's finances should be able to cover her own expenses. If it isn't enough, she should qualify for Medicaid to be able to have enough funds to survive. You should not be forced into debt because you are taking care of your Mom.

I really smell something "fishy"....see if you can get help through the legal aid referral for your state. Since you are taking care of her, you should know her current financial situation so that you can make the best decisions, regarding her care.

P.S. Since your Mom and Dad were getting a pension, who took care of their taxes? Someone will need to do that for 2024....
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to ChoppedLiver

This will be a nightmare if something happens to him. He should not be totally in control of her finances with her now in your home. And if he won't even give you copy of a trust (if it exists), it is starting to smell a little fishy.

You need to contact an atty and explain what you did here. At the very least you should be a co-owner of the bank acct and all other monies so that both of you can see what is coming in and going out. This would keep both of you honest, so to speak.

To tell you to use an equity line of credit (on your own home, I assume) 'while things get sorted out' is nuts! You may find out after the fact that he took it all and didn't leave mom enough to continue with her care and you'd be using money you will likely need at some point in your life.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to my2cents

Donna there is no reason you cannot have a credit card you use for you mom's benefit linked on autopay to her account or that she has a debit card you could also use for her benefit when making purchases. I think you need to figure out what the monthly amounts are for your mom and then have a sit down with him and discuss what will work for you. Assume he has the best of intentions. It's ok if he is controlling the $$ for now--you are working collaboratively. This will be so much easier for the two of you if you can both work together.
The truth us that you both have a lot to lose if you can't make this work. If she can't live with you then she's got to live somewhere and then all those assets will just go poof! So you actually have a lot of leverage here and remember that as you try to work things out.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Jennyjenjen

You need to see an attorney.
Yes, of course you need to have all these legal documents in order.

Do not wait until something happens and you do not have legal protection(s) - for everyone involved.

I do not understand why your brother is calling the shots.
Isn't this a group / family need / decision making?

"Without his approval ..." doing something like that seems to me to be a problem in the making although perhaps I don't know who the 'his' (approval) is. Is this your brother?

I wonder why you say you need(ed) to "pushed for trust attorney.
Why the pushing ?
Why don't you just call one and set something up?
I do not understand your role in this and if you are taking a passive role / back-seat.

No, there is no 'have something in place if needed?' - It is NEEDED and it the time is NOW.

Waiting for the if needed means you are not prepared for when it is needed. Or perhaps I do not fully understand why things are managed / going as they are now. (I don't see / understand the big picture). Gena
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to TouchMatters

DonnaL65: POA is most likely invalid as the principal signed it while not of lucid mind.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Llamalover47

I'm not a lawyer, but if your parents will and trust is anything like my parents', it defines three distinct roles (POA, trustee, and executor).
The POA is empowered to make certain medical and financial decisions on behalf of someone is cannot make their own decisions. Sometimes medical and financial POA are two separate people. A trustee manages the living trust and all of its assets. The executor comes into play after a death to make sure that the provisions of the will are followed.
In my family, POA and trustee roles were triggered while both parents were still living, but unable to manage their own affairs. After my father's recent death, we set up a post-death meeting with their attorney to make sure that proper steps were followed. Everything went to my mother, so there wasn't a lot to do as executor other than claim his life insurance, transfer some investments to the trust, and notify his pension plan and social security. I was surprised to learn that in our state, wills don't need to be filed with the county.
The first step that your brother (and your parents) skipped was to provide you with a copy of the will and trust so you knew for yourself in advance what your parents wanted. The second was a post-death meeting with the lawyer that drafted their documents so that you had a clear understanding of how things should be handled.
At this point, I would demand that your brother provide you with a copy of your parents' will and trust, and hire an eldercare lawyer to go over it with you. If he refuses, you should still meet with an eldercare lawyer to discuss your options. Make your brother aware that if he doesn't provide you with the contact information you requested, you will proceed without his cooperation. Your mother's trust should cover any legal fees.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to elcee499

Oh no no no no. Don't just trust that everything will be okay. If your brother won't give you more information, then get a consultation with your own Estate and Trust attorney. Explain what information you know and get guidance on what will happen if your brother dies or gets incapacitated before your Mom dies. It sounds like your brother wants total control of your Mom's money.
I don't mean to sound abrasive, but what is your brother's motivation for this? Is he a controlling person? Is he posdibly a dishonest person? Does he believe you were irresponsible with money in the past?
I don't mean to judge. You should not dip into your own money for your Mom's expenses. Ever! His statement that his trust attorney was involved, then saying you won't need one makes me think he's telling lies then changing his story when pressed. Get an attorney consult on whether what your brother is saying sounds right or is BS. Also what to plan for in the event your brother cannot act as your Mom's POA, other than using your line of credit while figuring things out. Maybe the best thing is for you to suggest using your Mom's money to pay for a really nice memory care facility. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JanPeck123

I would worry about this!
What you describe of your brother's behavior sounds shady to me. It seems he is hiding too much important information and unwilling to share control or access to funds you need for your mother's care!
What is he planning to do with the rest of the money? Is he assuming it is his right to pocket the money?
And, what if your brother died or became incapacitated? He wants to leave it for you to figure out later. And the suggestion that YOU get a loan until it gets figured out?! That is not a good plan!

Honestly, when I go back and re-read what you wrote, your brother sounds like an experienced manipulator. Having mom move in with him for four months, while he took over her finances, then discarding her is highly suspicious to me!

Get advice from an attorney!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to CaringWifeAZ

I don't have much to add, I have to say all this is confusing to me. Just something from my personal experience (apologies to Touch Matters who has told me I should not talk about my personal experience).

We cared for my mil in our home in 2010 for the last eight months of her life. My bil (her son) was a lawyer and handled all her legal affairs. When she moved in, he insisted that we accept $1,500 a month, he said this was the accepted norm. He handled all her bills, so we had no responsibility for her finances. $350 a month in 2024 does not seem right if $1,500 was considered the fair amount in 2010.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to graygrammie

Yes, you can be made alternate Trustees, or, as my brother and I did, you can become co-trustees with equal power. Things worked very smoothly when my father died and again regarding my mother's care when my brother himself was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. No red tape or legal maneuvering necessary and no disruption in my mother's care.

If there is a trust it will be recorded in the county it was established. Simply search the records to find the attorney's name then contact him/her with your concerns.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Deb4Mom

It sounds like he has simply the account numbers and access, passwords etc and is not letting you have them and keeping moms money. There is no “trust” issue there. When my parents had a living trust, when my dad passed then my mom became trustee and then me when she passed (she passed away in Aug this year) so I became trustee. Social security stops with death; there is no asset or payout there for survivor in most cases so I think why this would not be in trust. As stated here in responses the trust will not control SS. It sounds like he is simply keeping the SS money from your mom , and you to keep up her expenses. Where is the rest of her money going? Is he saving it, spending the rest of it?
Sounds like good advice here to reach out to elder law attorney, or contact SS. They would be happy to help you. An elder law attorney established my parents trust and gave complete information about all of this, was essential in understanding trust, what can be in trust etc. Best of luck with your situation.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to carololham

Unless your mother's SS and Dad's pension are $350/month then he is not allowing your mother full benefit of her money. He is exploiting her and using you in the process. In addition to contacting an elder law atty, I would report him to the SS administration. They have ZERO tolerance for this. It costs you nothing to report him. He will continue to behave this way until someone stops him. I'm in the middle of something similar, do not delay.

Don't be like a lot of people and carry the brunt of care/cost of your mother when it can be made easier. She deserves to reap the benefit of a lifetime of her and your Dad's work and savings, not your brother.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to DarleenCole
Jada824 Nov 10, 2024
In order to handle anyone’s social security you have to be assigned by the department of social security to be a representative payee. They do not recognize POA to handle a person’s money.

Report him now and they will investigate.
If you need to get to an attorney immediately & file for guardianship. Your brother is not looking out for your mom’s best interest & if he refuse to show you paperwork that’s a red sign.
Do not under any circumstances use your own money or a HELOC loan.

I learned the hard way after caring for my mom for over 4 years do not do any caregiving without MPOA & FPOA
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Jada824

Call an elder attorney now. This minute. Don’t worry about costs. It will cost you more if you don’t. Brother could go to jail for using mom’s money. You need to know what is going on and get it done legally.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to RetiredBrain

So he is calling all the shots? That cannot be good. I would do anything in my power to gain some control. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Isabelsdaughter

You need to obtain guardianship of your mom now! That will supersede any POA. Your brother is controlling at best and a crook at worst. Get a lawyer who’s ruthless.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Jdjn99

If you don't get paid weekly and she pays her own expenses, you drop Mom off at Brothers and let him take care of her. This is BS and you are being used and abused.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to LakeErie
CaringWifeAZ Nov 10, 2024
I agree the sister is being used and abused. But, I would Definitely NOT drop Mom off at Brother's so that Mom can be used and abused! He doesn't want to take care of her. But he has ensured he alone has access to her money!

This is not a good situation for mom!
See a lawyer. Many states do not recognize home made POAs unless they have 2 witnessess and signed off by a notary. This home made document can be challenged via undue influence and that he might not be the POA. You will have to file in probate where mom lives.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to MACinCT

Donna, either your Brother doesn’t himself understand the law about what is happening, or he does understand only too well and is cheating M. Also cheating you by not paying you, putting lots of requirements on you, and not giving you enough of M’s money to buy M what she wants and needs.

If it’s the second, and he’s cheating both you and M, YOU are in it up to your neck by going along with it. YOU are cheating M by not questioning it and allowing this to continue. When the chips are finally down after M’s death, you will discover the bitter truth and you will blame yourself for going along with it. Your relationship with your brother will then come to a very very nasty end.

If you don’t like the thought of upsetting B now by asking now for more legal information, just remember that if things go wrong you will be bitter, poor and resentful. And like I said, things with your brother will come to a very very nasty end anyway.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

Social Security does not recognize POA. You may be able to apply as Moms payee. If you get payee status, you set up another account and have her money going into that acct. I may even check out Dads pension. See if they recognize POA, if not see if you can be payee.

If your brother is Executor and passes, you apply to be Administrator. You will get a short certificate allowing you access to her bank accts and help you deal with creditors and other things like utilities.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

Do know also that Trustees act only for a trust and on trust accounts.
No POA can act to do anything about a Trust.
That is a Trustee and that is attorney work, not a simple piece of paper.
As to your being "fine " with not being paid? That is NOT fine. You are unable to work for yourself while you give care. You need shared living expenses and costs. There should be a care contract done by the POA ( bro) and you for payment. And yes, you keep and are reimbursed for expenditures for mom INCLUDING her transportation to and from appointments and etc.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to AlvaDeer

He cannot be a Trustee for “mom and dads will”. That doesn’t exist. He could be Executor for your now deceased Dads “Estate Of” if he has filed your Dads valid will which read that he was to be the Executor and then he has gotten his Letters Testamentary appointing him as Executor for it. Executor is not same thing as a Trustee. Executor is an after death thing. Trustee is kinda the administrator for a legal entity that is a Trust and done way before anyone died; it exists in perpetuity as months as it makes sense to do and there is $ within the Trust to pay its costs to exist.

2 things you should be clearly aware of is……
1. SSA does NOT allow for the monthly $ they deposit into a bank account to pay your mom as retirement income to ever be placed into a Trust. SSA requires it to be paid to the beneficiary or go through the persons representative payee IF the elder themselves did the rep pay request with SSA.
1. b. Trust is its own legal entity, has its own tax id, its own tax filings. Trust get assets put into them and if it’s a house, land, investments, they all will need to be retitled/ renamed to the name of that Trust.

2. SSA does NOT recognize POA. That POA document is bird cage liner as far as SSA is concerned.

if I were you I’d want to know exactly what the status is of Dads will and probate and this you can go online to the courthouse to see as it’s by & large open records; and then what all Bro might have moved into his name…. or placed into that “Trust” & again online courthouse search to do this via property records. If he’s throwing out “I’m now the trustee for Dad”, and there was not ever a Trust done way before dad died, imho he’s BSing you.

Hopefully AlvaDear will post her insight on Trustee / Trust as she has been a Trustee.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to igloo572
LakeErie Nov 10, 2024
Wills are private documents and are not public records.
Is he paying you as a caregiver? If not he should be and not just reimbursement of expenses and giving you money for her expenses.
Do a quick search for the cost of a live in caregiver in your area. I think you will be shocked!
By the way "she did not move in with you" she was brought to you and dumped on you.
Tell him that you can no longer be caregiver and that he needs to find other arrangements by----------date.
You could also fight the POA, no attorney should have accepted the signature of a person that has been diagnosed with dementia.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Grandma1954
DonnaL65 Nov 5, 2024
No he doesn’t pay me as a caregiver and it’s ok. I just don’t like not having any information in regards to her money or access if needed. I also don’t want to be in the negative after taking care of her because he isn’t allowing very much to cover a lot of stuff. I bought her Pj’s from Kohls and 4 pair were 130. It’s ridiculous I can only get her a few things at a time or dip into my own money. My Mom has money for clothes so why can’t I use it and not be on a budget? My Dad worked hard all his life and now my Mom should be as comfortable as possible.
See 1 more reply
If he dies you would apply for guardianship with an attorney.
Meanwhile keep meticulous records.
If you do not wish to do this care and this work, do consider telling brother you are resigning from the care.
You can also consider bringing APS into this. You won't be added to any accounts but they can help you if you can no longer function to give care and need to have your brother put your mother in care.
Good luck.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to AlvaDeer

This is very similar to why I had to stop doing as much as I was doing for my mom.

I have no power, and my brother screwed my mom over, so she can't get Medicaid or the help she needs, and expected me to do all the work. Things and understanding of what has been going on has slowly came together for me, in understanding , what is actually going on and why things are so sketchy, with my brother, and why I never get a real answer. His plan was is to have the house and his plan for mom, was for me to do all the work. Now he is mad because that plan is not working his way.

I would tell your brother, you are done doing any care for mom unless he comes clean, and is honest with you.

Margaretken , is absolutely right. She and others here, let me see how taken advantage I was . Please listen to her, you are being scammed, by the sounds of it
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Jada824 Nov 10, 2024
My sibling did the same to me & got angry when I told him I was done doing everything. He took mom to a lawyer & had her amend her 20 year old trust leaving everything to him rather than the 50/50 way she had it.

He hounded her until she agreed to sign. ….she was 95 with moderate dementia. She passed, he sold the house and now the court is holding the money from the sale for the past 3 1/2 years
I agree with MargaretMcKen that the terminology you are using in your post is somewhat confusing. It seems your brother was the Executor of your Dad's Will. Most of the time what's left goes to the spouse (or into the couples' trust) but it all depends on what was set up before he passed. It's possible there was a trust and your brother is the trustee. We went through setting up a trust and I cannot imagine that the elder law attorney didn't press for them to have PoAs also in place at that time, but I suppose it's possible. Maybe they did, and your parents had each other as PoAs (which IMO is a mistake).

We don't know how much dementia/cognitive impairment your Mom had when she assigned him as PoA. FYI a "principal" is able to have *some* and still meet the legal criteria for "capacity". In my personal experience with my elderly Aunt, the attorney took my her aside and privately interiewed her to make sure she had such capacity and wasn't being coerced (since I was there with her and I was going to be her PoA).

You taking your Mom in without a clear agreement or understanding was your choice. As PoA your brother should be asking for receipts, this is part of the duty of a PoA: good record-keeping and management.

Since we aren't sure what is in place right now, all I can say is that even "simple" trusts can seem complicated. Ours is set up so that our sons/trustees have the legal ability to use funds from our trust to pay for professional guidance in navigating what to do. If your brother passes before your Mom, I'm sure there are legal solutions in place (such as guardianship) that will allow someone to manage her affairs. You would need to consult with a trust banker or elder law/estate attorney for this.

You don't say how old your brother is or whether he has a health issue that warrants worrying about this. To answer your question whether you should have something in place... you have no power to do that the way (it seems) things are currently set up.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Shady at best. It’s too late for your mother to draft or sign any legal documents. If she didn’t put anything in place before dementia took over, nothing brother tells you is necessarily true. I’d visit an elder care attorney for guidance. Kindly invite brother to come along as you have nothing to hide, hopefully he will bring documents he has in his possession. This is all dependent on what documents are or are not already in place
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Daughterof1930

There is no such thing as a ‘trustee for a will’. A will can set up special trusts, but that is getting very complicated. Do you mean that M’s Will makes him executor and trustee? That would make him in charge of winding up the estate after M’s death, and he is 'trustee' only of the money until winding up is completed. Or do you mean that M has given him a Power of Attorney (in charge of her affairs while she is alive). I don’t understand “equity line of credit”.

My feeling is that this is all vague, he is changing his story, and changing the care arrangements after setting it up for himself. He is giving you all the obligations, and he doesn’t account to you at all. It may all be on the level, but you have no way of finding out. The disappearing 'trust attorney' is the most worrying bit.

If you are paying for all the outgoings and he reimburses you after you provide all the receipts, it would be more sensible for you to be the financial organiser yourself. It doesn’t sound good, you don’t understand the legalities (it's possible that brother doesn't understand them either), you are not safe, and neither is M.

My suggestion would be that you say that you are unable to care for M unless you have a clear understanding of the finances and the decision making. I’d take M back to him to care for until you get details. I think you probably need a lawyer to check any story he gives you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

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