
I was diagnosed with als in June of 2011, paralyzed and type with my eyes, I am a Lawyer and still do some legal consulting. I have quite a few open shifts which is a problem because I have a trach and I am on a ventilator. I need 24/7 nursing care, so I need nurses. I also have diabetes.

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Czech, this is a caregiver forum that you posted your question on, but if you click on "Find Care" at the top of this page in blue, you can look for nurse care there.
I wish you well in finding the care you need.
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Report will connect you with local aids. is a forum that will be local to you, a non-anonymous forum of people in your actual community. You can ask for recommendations there.

You can search "caregiving agencies near me" to see what comes up. Then ask for recommendations on

My relative had ALS. I wish you all the best and peace in your heart on this journey.
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If you cannot find around the clock care, then it maybe time for a facility. I just read the survival rate is 5 yrs but people have lived up to 20 yrs with this desease. Since you say you have open shifts, cannot the aides you have now help with the search? You must have Care agencies near you? Good Luck with your search.
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