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No, thats why a suppliment is needed or you pay out of pocket. Medicare works this way. . .

The provider (doctor) will bill you $200. Medicare says whats reasonable is $160, they pay 80% of the $160 = $128. You owe $32. You either pay that out of pocket or you buy a suppliment that pays the balance. A doctor or any provider, has to except the $160 unless they don't take Medicare.

You also have Medicare deductables that have to be met. Supplimentals may have co-pays and deductables.

Your County should have an Office of Aging. You may want to make an appointment with someone to help you understand Medicare and maybe help you with a supplimental you can afford. Watch out for Medicare Advantages.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

We are a Forum of caregivers overseeing the care of our own family members.
We don't have costs. We just talk.

What costs are you curious as to whether Medicare will cover or not.
Are you aware that you can call Medicare?
Do you have the 2025 Medicare handbook (you can order it from the website.

Welcome to the Forum.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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