
If I am on medicare and need assistance with me daily would Medicare help? I would like to stay in my home. I have no friends or family to depend on if this should happen.

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Medicare does not provide care on a daily basis. It does provide intermittent care. As said Medicaid provides in home help but not 24/7 and very little hours. Our Office of Aging privided a yearly booklet of Services that the County provided. See if yours does. Social Services too. Check to see if they provide a booklet of services.
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jaye54, welcome to the forum. Are you asking for help via AgingCare? If yes, please note this is a forum of family caregivers who are exchanging suggestions and ideas regarding caring for a love one.

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Call your county's social services for the elderly. There is such a thing as an Elder Waiver to keep seniors "in the community" (meaning out of a facility) BUT it will not be 24/7 care.

In a good IL or AL care facility you can have social exposure, services (like laundry and transportation), help with medical needs, and easily transition to the next level of care which you will eventually need.

Sell your home and make the decisions now before you are unable and it is left to others to decide for you.

Do you have as assigned PoA?
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Have you called your Area Agency on Aging?
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Being on Medicare will help with home health medical issues. However, other help may be considered as personal assistant and/or light housekeeping and is called private pay through other agencies like Home Instead, Visiting Angels and numerous other local in home care businesses that run about $30 per hr. Many will negotiate days, shifts around your needs. Some companies have nurses who could provide home visits and will bill Medicare. They often have Physical/Occupational therapists who are also billed to Medicare. However, other daily assistance may turn out to be private pay. It is doable.
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