
My dad takes Aricept. As soon as he jumped to the 10mg dose he got worse. Anyone have good experiences with a different anti-hallucination medication?

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My father has stage 4 dementia and we chose no prescription drugs for his hallucinations. I read how coconut oil is the #1 natural remedy for dementia and Alzheimer's. I can honestly say it is a "Magic bullet" cure. My father has been on 2 tbsp. 3 times a day and buy 100% organic virgin MCT coconut oil for 14 days and the hallucinations are gone and he is more alert and not talking to imaginary people or seeing things. I can honestly say to try this, the results are amazing. This can be put in shakes or mix in foods. Read on coconut oil and dementia-- you'll be amazed.
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He has LBD. We tried Nuplazid... it made him worse.
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Does your dad happen to have Parkinson's Disease Dementia? There are now three drugs approved for use with PDD that address hallucinations. This should be discussed with the doctor who is following Dad's dementia.
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Anti-psychotic medication is used for hallucinations. Talk to your Neurologist.
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