My Wife (CBD) asked me to feed her breakfast. She is still physically and mentally able to do it herself. Should I feed her or encounter to do it herself. When the time comes when she can't I will certainly do it. I am trying to keep her independent as long as she is able
I can only guess that there is much more to your story then what little you've shared, and that perhaps your wife is actually showing signs of dementia and honestly at times can't remember how to feed herself.
If that is the case, you being in denial about it won't help anyone, especially your wife.
So if your wife is in fact needing help eating, please help her.
This isn't a good thing to foster. Just tell her "take a rest" or "you don't have to finish that, if you need a break" but don't allow her to sink into a bad habit.
I can't imagine where her thinking is in this, but I wouldn't let it thrive as an option. Not until it's needed.
Give her a spoonful of whatever it is then put a bit on the spoon and say, "Honey, I am going to get a refill on my coffee, I will be right back". Take your time returning she may eat what you have put on the spoon and continue on her own.
Sometimes finger foods are easier.
French toast, an egg and ham sandwich, sausages, fruit with a yoghurt dip, a fruit salad.
Do monitor for any problems swallowing or chewing.