When I 1st moved into this 55+ a yr ago, I was very happy. Great building. For about a week. I was invited to a coffee and in the building and people were nice, connected, light convo. About a week later I was getting waved off, scoffed at at and the stick eye. The only thing I can think of was a woman down the street thro an absolute tantrum, bc she thought the apartment should be hers. So I've spent the year staying away from common areas, which the 'mean girls' seem to have taken over. I don’t go to activities, breakfast, movies, or anything g and try to keep to myself. I also don't see the social worker bc her office is adjacent and there is no privacy. Recently I feel the homemaker, there is one for the whole building. She asks odd random questions-like am I mix race. She also has come and gone in 15 mins, and w/o details, I felt a lot like she just stopped by to see/gather, and her body language communicated this as well. It's just very hostile and I can't imagine being able to explain this to management w/o sounding crazy. It's just so hostile ALL the time. What would you do? My options are limited by budget.
The idea is to build your own social circle. It can be done, You will have to persist. It’s worth it, though.
It is hard for me to believe that ALL people here are against you. Truly, it is. That would be very unusual.
And it might be great fun--would be for me, anyway--to simply go about annoying them all. Go to the common area and say "Myra, your hair is so wonderful. Mine is so thin; I envy you" or "Alma, that's the best color on you. You look like a million bucks today". Or "Joyce, I saw the picture you did in art class. Oh how I wish I could draw like that". Just butter those old hens up like basted turkeys at Thanksgiving.
To be honest, my brother used to get a "kick" out of some of the old gals at his place. He said he might have missed the communes of his day, but he got it in old age, because none of them could get along for two seconds. This one wanted the shades in common room DOWN and that one wanted them UP. Said that basically they just sat about in the Gazebo discussing their ills and watching the ambulances and hearses come and go. He used to be tickled by them. So just sit about and be a "watcher". It will annoy Hades out of them!
Don't let these ignorant folks get the better of you. Surely there has to be several folks there that you would get along great with, but you'll never know as long as you stay locked in your apartment.
So get out there and start making friends.
If someone is openly hostile, either ignore them or tell them you pay for ALL the facilities amenities and if you being around bothers them, maybe they should find something else to do.
I would report the housekeeper for asking such a slanted question, regardless of what else is going on, she swerved way out of her lane. Make her accountable to her employer. (That is only if it wasn't an honest question, in context to the conversation. )
You can stand strong in the face of these cats.
Is this a group of people or everyone in the complex? Hopefully the SW can find out what the problem is.