
My mom’s group home decided to cancel their license but continue to “take care of the residents”. I was given 27 days notice of this happening. After asking for a new contract, even a rental agreement, none was given so I’m moving my mom out. She has zero protection at this point! I gave a 26 day notice to be nice but without a contract, I do not believe I am required to do anything! Thoughts? I’m being given a huge guilt trip over this situation but I have to protect her.

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Just a question. Did they cancel there license or was it revolked? It really does not matter if you get a new rent agreement or contract, I would not keep a LO in an unlicensed facility.
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This is quite confusing, and of course we cannot access details.
You say it's a group home caring for residents. They would not be able to operate without a license I am thinking?

I am afraid you are down to discussing with the licensing authorities for such a home. Good luck in searching them out for your area. I would get together NOW with families of other residents. There is great power in numbers.
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Did they cancel their licence given by the State to operate or they no longer take Medicaid?

I would not think having no license means no contracts are needed. Its good business to have everything in writing. And having no license does not mean, IMO, that what agreements you have in place are null and void. A rental agreement would stand until a new one was due. Contracts too, what would change? Even if someone bought them out, contracts and rental agreements stay in place until they lapse. Then you sign with the new owners.
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Isthisrealyreal Aug 12, 2024
JoAnn, losing their license does void all contracts, the contract would be specific to the business that no longer exists.

There are LOTS of things tied into a business license and we should think carefully before doing any business with unlicensed operation. It can come back to haunt you in the event there is an issue, because we all know, it is fine, until it isn't.
Agreed, nothing to feel guilty about. Their choice to close, contract with them ends.
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Just move out as quickly as possible. You need your loved one to be safe. No license no business. Don't feel guilty you are doing what is best for your mom.
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What a weird thing... they cancel their license but are continuuing to operate? Is that even permitted for their industry? I would contact the licensing board.

What about the contract are you concerned about? Paying rent? Whether it's an insured business? Or moving out? I wouldn't feel guilty about that...!
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You should be guilty for what?

Turn them in for operating a business with no license, this will protect everyone under their care. It is illegal to do what they are doing, especially with vulnerable seniors.
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cover9339 Aug 12, 2024
Maybe there is more money to be made being private.
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