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For nasal congestion, Flonase works well for 12 hours. Also, simple saline spray can also help, but IMO not as fast or as long. A long, hot shower will decongest really well, or put your LO's head over the sick with a towel over their head and run the hot water for steam, right before they go to bed. Then if possible, have them sleep on a low wedge to elevate their head and chest.

For chest congestion, Mucinex works very well.

For headaches, body aches and fever, Tylenol. FYI a fever in someone very elderly should be monitored closely, especially if there is coughing (pneumonia, rsv, bronchitis) or sinus headache (sinus infection).

Decide which symptom is most bothersome to your elder and then try to use the minimum therapy so they can be as comfortable as possible.
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NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023
I agree that Mucinex works well. I was given Mucinex for the first time in the hospital.

I use Flonase too. Steam definitely helps out.

I happen to like spicy food. Some people don’t like it or it upsets their stomach. I find spicy food helps with congestion too.

Hot tea and soup are always soothing.
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Basically any cold medicine does nothing but address symptoms. The cold has simply to run its course. What symptoms are the most distressing for the person currently suffering?
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I'd ask the physician that question.
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Elderberry Syrup Or Air borne .
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Try a vaporizer? They still sell them and the new ones are safer--cooler steam. Could also try Vicks. I like warm herbal tea with honey (lemon-ginger) when I have a cold.
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A lot has been pulled off the shelf because they do not work. One that does work is nasal spray although they cause rebound congestion. With colds, I use a netty pot and once the nasal spray needs weaning, I use it for a couple more days in one nare only
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Geaton777 Nov 2023
Using Afrin nasal spray for more than 2 days can create rebound swelling of the membranes (been there, done that and it gives this warning on the packaging -- at least it did years ago).

Netty pots should only be used when well, since using if congested can push mucus into the ears and cause problems like infection.
You don’t mention what cold medicines you have used so far. Nor do you say if she has any cognitive issues. At 96 she probably does, however slight. Certain cold meds contain a drug called diphenhydramine. It belongs to a class of drugs called anticholergenics. Diphenhydramine is a common OTC antihistamine that is used to treat among other symptoms, colds. It is popular active ingredient for many OTC drugs. It can have certain side effects, especially in the elderly and those with cognitive impairment. It can exacerbate early dementia symptoms and cause confusion for the elderly.
Examples of OTCs with this drug are Benadryl, Advil PM ( or any OTC with PM), ZZZQuil (or any OTC sleep aid, excluding melatonin). It is best to ask her doctor for recommendations.
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You need to speak to a doctor about this question.
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melcur: Pose your query to a physician.
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First you should be asking the doctor or the pharmacist (where the prescriptions are normally filled as they will have access to all the medications that are prescribed)
You do not mention what has been tried and or what "cold" symptoms they are having.
If the person is on medication for high blood pressure there are "cold medications" that are specific for people with high blood pressure.
If the person has any form of dementia any medication that contains a "sleep aid" will make a foggy brain even foggier.
Even without dementia any "sleep aid" medication will leave a persona bit "fuzzy" in the brain until the medication wears off.
In most cases riding out a cold may be the best option.
For a sore throat sometimes Tea and a bit of Honey helps.
Hot soup, tea will help clear the nose a bit. (theory being that the steam does help kill off some of the bacteria/virus that may be in the nose.)
Fever is another thing. Check with the doctor. Same with any vomiting or diarrhea.
Increasing any fluids lost
Sometimes fluids like Pedialyte, Gatorade and other Sports drinks might help.
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