
My Dad is asking why God just won’t take him. He’s tired. I am trying to find hospice care that would come to his house. Any suggestions?

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Plenty of resources in Louisville. Here are a few resources for palliative and hospice care. You can call each of them and ask about their services.
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He's not dead yet because his body has not given up yet. Our bodies are programmed to keep on going even to the detriment of the person.

You can be in agonizing pain from terminal cancer and the body keeps going until it can't go anymore.

Once the body can't keep the main organs and functions that sustain life going he will die.

It could be days, week, or months. God had nothing to do with it.

Though I guess you can blame God for the suffering many endure before taking their last breath since he is the designer and creator of the human body.
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All hospice agencies offer in-home help from them, but you must know that that just means a nurse coming once a week to start to check your dads vitals and aides to come bathe him twice a we 100% under your dads Medicare.
You can call the hospice agency of your choice(just Google hospice in your area)to see if your dad qualifies for their services and they will come out and do an assessment and take it from there.
My late husband was under hospice care in our home for the last 22 months of his life and hospice provided about 1% of his care while I did the other 99%.
So be prepared.
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Call his doctor and see which one they recommend. NHs in the area should be able to recommend an agency.

For Hospice, though, Dad has to be dying from something. Its comfort care.
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