
This family member is bedbound, end-stage Copd with extensive itchy rash on back. Why have environmental conditions such as climate, bedding, mattresses etc. not been addressed? Isn’t that part of comfort?

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There are things that Hospice can do to help.
Has a Hospital bed been provided? Most of the mattresses will have a mattress that has air flow some have alternating pressure mattresses. Talk to the Hospice Nurse.
Hospice will not provide bedding. That the patient or patient family will provide.
I suggest cotton sheets. Most Hospital beds are a Twin X-long get flat sheets so that they can easily be changed and they can also be used as a draw sheet.

Talk to the Hospice Nurse about the itchy rash. It might be dry skin and Hospice should provide creams or ointments that can be used. Or prescription cream can be ordered to relieve the itchy skin. Hospice W@ILL order prescription medications.

If you are getting no response talking to the Hospice Nurse call the office and ask to talk to the Supervisor or Care Manager.
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Have they brought in a hospital bed with air mattress ?
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Yes all of that should be addressed with your family members hospice nurse. And if need be addressed over and over until things get done to you and your family members liking.
My late husband was completely bedridden and under hospice care for the last 22 months of his life, and I as his wife made darn sure that hospice was doing what they were supposed to be doing and that my husbands concerns/issues were addressed in a timely manner.
And yes I often had to call the main office(which you can call 7 days a week and 24/7)weekly to make sure things were being done that needed to be to ensure that my husbands final months were as comfortable and pain free as possible.
So make sure that whoever is this family members POA or is in charge of their care that they are not settling for less than from hospice.
And if things don't change, you can always fire this hospice agency and hire another.
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