My spouse has dementia. We found out last year that he is early stages, but in this last year he has forgotten more, has more difficulty figuring things out, but still can do everyday tasks and drive. Has trouble with words. I know I’m being vague, but it’s so much that I am everywhere with I want to say. So in short, how do I deal with the changes as sometimes it’s like I’m around a completely different person?
it doesn’t answer your question, and hopefully someone will be by soon to help with that.
You also "cope" by taking care of yourself in whatever ways you can, as you matter too in this equation. And this should include getting involved with a caregiver support group either in person or on Zoom.
Then you "cope" by not allowing your husband to drive AT ALL, as someone driving with dementia is no different than someone driving drunk or high on drugs.
You would feel terrible if your husband would kill or injure some innocent person because you allowed him to drive. Plus you could be sued and lose everything if it were to be found out that he was driving after being diagnosed with dementia.
This is not an easy journey that you are on with your husband, but you will survive, and will come out of it a better, stronger, and more compassionate, and empathetic person when it is all said and done.
So hang tight as this too shall pass.