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I understand the financial impact. Is it possible to get insurance on the dentures so that if they accidentally get lost, or broken, then it doesn't cost as much to get new ones?

How well can she eat the food she likes, without dentures? The reason why I ask is because my Mom was put on a soft food/chopped diet. When that happened, the food doesn't taste as good and in fact, can encourage her to stop eating. However, I have heard of people who have eaten steak strips with just their gums....but the nursing home won't allow that. Everything will be chopped with gravy. They were even hesitant to give my Mom fish that wasn't overcooked for fear that she would choke on the larger pieces.

I have heard, not personally experienced, that lack of dentures will change the structure of the jaw, making it more difficult to chew properly and causing issues for the rest of the teeth.

Just wondering if somehow, there was another solution other than the yes/no denture dilemma.
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We are all entitled to 'opinions', but honestly - "Dentures are a basic human need"??? Humans can't live unless their 'basic human needs' are met. So the millions of denture-less people alive today and alive in the past, weren't human??
Helpful Answer (1)

Oh gosh, I feel for you. My friend’s mom threw her dentures out three times! After the third time, my friend told her mom that she wasn’t going to get anymore dentures for her.

I agree with cwille’s response. Tell her a white lie, saying that she isn’t able to get an appointment anytime soon.
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"I'm not sure but I don't think you can get just new lower dentures, because they won't fit together right"

You most certainly can just get new lowers and not uppers as long as the uppers still fit well. There are many people who only have one or the other, the denturist must always take impressions to fit the denture to the existing natural teeth (or existing plate).

But it will be a long process with multiple appointments so you need to decide if the benefits are worth the time, cost and extra stress.
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If she can afford a new lower denture and wants one, she should have one.
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AlvaDeer Jan 2024
I so agree. Doesn't mean she won't lose them again. My Aunt's friend Hulda regularly used to clog the toilet by throwing her ill fitting dentures down the hopper.
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Why have you posted this again? Have you not read the answers to your post yesterday?
Helpful Answer (2)
pb2manydogs Jan 2024
Sorry but I couldn't find the original post for some reason. New to this I guess.
Just fib, tell her you called to get an appointment and they can't fit her in for several weeks so she'll have to make due for now.
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