My nephew, on his own, does receive providers cards. He also has a Medicaid ID card with his Medicaid number on it. In my State, you pick providers. With Medicare and Medicaid he is never billed. Medicaid does not supply statements.

Mom was on Medicaid in LTC.
I received a letter saying she was approved. I gave the NH permission to intercept her Medicaid so if she got cards the NH had them.

How did you apply for Medicaid? Personally or thru the Nursing facility? If thru the facility, they may have your info on file. Personally, you have a caseworker who should be able to help you.
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Reply to JoAnn29

There is no card, it's not like Medicare, but you do get a provider card to show what plan you have chosen. This is how it is where I live, in MN. Every year my MIL on Medicaid had to pick a healthcare provider's plan (and honestly they are pretty much all the same)/

You should have received an approval letter if you're asking about a card. You can contact your case worker to ask how to get a duplicate.
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Reply to Geaton777

I suspect that you don’t understand Medicaid. It doesn’t provide a ‘card’ that you can flash at any provider. It’s usually paid direct to the provider for approved services that you have been assessed to need.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

Call Medicaid.
We are not Medicaid.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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