
How much is it for so.eone to help me about 2 hours a day 3 days a week

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$25.00 an hr . Here in Al
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I paid $36.00/hr in Scottsdale, AZ and they were to be specially trained. Ha, they had such a hard time getting people that I think they just hired off the street. This was a 24/7 assignment. I really learned a lesson - don't trust anyone. While I was sleeping, they were ripping us off. I was naive and thought I could trust caregivers through an agency that checks out their employees. Remember you must have cameras set up in your house. Unfortunately, I didn't.
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Most agencies require 4 hours minimum
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I am paying 38.00/hr in Central Virginia!
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Many factors determine cost:
Where you live
Ind hire or through agency (call a few agencies and ask them)
Find independent contractors (through Next Door, church, neighbors, MD office referrals)
Experience and qualifications needed (always check references)
Work required

What to do:
* Always ask for DI, require they pay for / get a criminal background check (fingerprinting), car insurance, and TB and Covid tests (if you want - facilities and agencies requires these tests);

If a person doesn't want to provide, this is a RED FLAG. If you go through a hiring agency, they should do all this background check (although ask).
I almost hired someone who said he took another job; when that fell through and I asked him to do a criminal check, he wouldn't do it (I presume he couldn't pass one with the job prospect that fell through).

* Ask for References

* Create a list of questions to ask a prospective employee (either hire ind contractors where they pay their own taxes, or hire as an employee (much more difficult for most); if hiring through an agency, you pay the agency. An agency has worker's comp insurance; most direct hires do not offer.

* Direct hires: write up a contract:
- Rate of pay, start date, hours, work/duties.
- How paid 'xxx is required to pay their own taxes' (ask for their SS #)
- Start with a trial - a two week try out.
- Provide a list of required work / when and how. A list will be a way to refer and ask / access of the work you require is done.

* Do not allow a person to be on their phone surfing the net or playing games aside from a break (10-20 minutes or however you arrange).

* A person should not be 'just' sitting there with nothing to do. Plan on how you want the person to use their time. Some will want to 'just sit' and be there, feeling they are working. It is important that they ENGAGE the person needing help - talking, conversation, discussing current events, going through magazines together. It all depends on if or degree of dementia-and how to engage.

* Be sure to lock up valuables.

* Keep good records of workers and financial expenditures / payments.

* You might want to ask for an invoice (which I always provide to people I work with directly (not through an agency; I have my own business).

These are a few things I would do - off the top of my head.
Print out for reference.

Gena / Touch Matters
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Lucciano10: The cost could be determined in part by where you are located.

I worked pro bono for my mother.
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I pay $34/hour in Connecticut through an agency. Some independents charge $25/hr
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Western New York area is average $30 per hour. Minimum 4 hours per day.
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I paid $20 an hour for someone to come help with my dad three days a week. I live outside of Chicago Illinois. I did not go through an agency, I know they charge more here. Their starting rate is 25 an hour I believe.
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Having stairs in our home which go to the bedroom areas, impacted availability of home caregiver. Tough to find one under those circumstances. Insurance issue if caregiver is injured
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We paid $25 an hour for the help my mom had.
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Lucciano10, if you hire someone to work in your home, then you would need to get Workman's Comp Insurance in case the worker gets hurt while on the job. This insurance can be purchased through your homeowner's insurance company.

If said worker comes from an Agency and you pay the Agency directly each week, chances are the Agency has their own Workman's Comp Insurance.
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We pay $30 per hour in rural Maryland with a 3 hour minimum.
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Cost will depend on many things
Your location. Large city, Rural..(What the cost is in LA, New York or Chicago would be different than a town 30 miles from any of these cities)
How many hours
Day hours or Overnight hours.
What care needs to be done. If medications need to be given then a Nurse may be required.
Are you going through an agency or hiring privately
Each one of these may affect the cost.
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$30 to 35 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours
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The going rate in many parts of the country is about $20-25 per hour. Many agencies require a four hour minimum.
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