
My mom finally got a CPAP. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this, or tips for getting her to use it. She's 87, lives in Independent Living Facility, has very bad ST memory but neurologist says she has normal cognitive function but she gets very confused with admin tasks at times.

Her GP rec'd the sleep study for her blood pressure issues (also Stage 3 kidney disease), she finally had it done, study indicated she should get the CPAP, insurance is paying for the AirSense10 from ResMed. It seems very quiet and nice and she got the comfy nasal pillows, too.

I'm thinking of getting her to use it while watching tv, for starters. Looks like there are compliance rules for Medicare/insurance to continue to cover the cost, so I want to be efficient and effective in how we do this but I live 2 hours away and my bro lives 40 min away. We visit about once a week. The in-house Medical Team has said they can help her with it, so we will try that, too.

Is it possible to not use the attached humidifier? I'm going to check. I think that has to be re-filled daily with DISTILLED water, and that is going to add to the confusion. If it's not 100% necessary, maybe we will start without that step?

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My mother's pulmonologist recommended a CPAP machine for her after she had pleural effusion. We just laughed, because we knew there was no way in h*ll she'd use it. (You do NOT mess with my mother's sleep!) He said she'd likely die without it.

He was right -- she will die without it. We never got the CPAP for her, and she's still alive seven years later, but yes, she will die without it. I can't tell you when, though.

Leave your mom alone if she won't use it. She's at an age where you want to pick your battles, and you need to pick the ones you can win. If this contraption needs all the cleaning and distilled water, and so forth and you're two hours away, it isn't going to happen.
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MomsBrain Jul 2021
I agree with picking battles, but what she doesn't understand, and I am so afraid of - is the potential MASSIVE decline in her quality of life, which we have worked so hard to maintain, if she had a stroke and DIDN'T DIE - I keep telling her she could end up in a wheel chair and/or nursing home if that happens. But she doesn't get how the CPAP connects to that possibility.

I know I need to accept this and pick my battles and preserve her dignity but I just think she should "try a little harder" before we let her give up. I feel like a parent in saying this, and I know she's not a child and needs her dignity but I feel like we would be negligent in not at least trying to do something that could save her a lot of FUTURE discomfort, to say the least.
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