
I am caring for my 37 year old son dying is end stage liver disease caused by alcoholism and drug abuse. He has had mental health issues for years and would self medicate. He is on hospice, jaundiced, has terrible ascites and leg edema. Also an umbilical and inguinial hernia the size of a grapefruit. Sporadic bloody noses and bleeding gums. He sleeps most of the time and has little appetite. His body is wasting away. My mother died the same way. He is on oral morphine. Watching him suffer is killing me. Please help.

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I am so sorry that you are having to witness your son die such a horrible death at such a young age. I know that your heart is breaking, but I'm sure that he's glad that you're by his side.
I hope that the hospice chaplain and nurses have been there for you and are giving you the support that you need through this trying time.
I am sending you a ((((hug)))) to let you know that I care and will be praying for you and your son. God bless you both.
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(((((Hugs))))))) JCW. I cannot imagine your pain.

Are you speaking with the hospice social workers and chaplains?
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I am so very sorry for this grief. How sad all your son has endured and is enduring. I hope for you both that he is in the care of hospice and is being medicated during this last stage, and being kept as comfortable as is humanly possible. I cannot imagine your grief and pain. I hope you have a support system with you. There is absolutely nothing I can say in the face of all you are going through. As a nurse I know this end stage, and especially the dreadful swelling that causes the drum tight abdomen and the hernias associated. I am sorry, jcw. I hope for all the peace you can get for your boy. And am so sorry for the pain he has endured in this his life.
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I'm glad your son is on hospice & getting oral morphine to control his pain. If he is suffering, ask hospice to increase his morphine or make it via shots instead of oral doses. Can you avail yourself of hospice services to help YOU with the pain & suffering you're enduring? The hospice chaplain was very helpful to me and my family while we were witnessing my father's end of life experience.

I'm so sorry you are going through such a thing after having your mother pass the same way. Sending you a big hug and many prayers that God helps you cope with all you are dealing with, and that He makes your son's transition as swift and painless as possible.
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What a sad story.

Remember, hospice is there for you, too. They have social workers and chaplains, and they WANT to help you. You aren't required to go through this alone, so please use them. They'll be there for you now and for a year after your son passes, so please take advantage of their services.
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I am so so sorry jcw xxx wishing you both peace and sending love xxx
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Use the services hospice offers for the family.

I am so sorry you are losing your son to bad choices. It is hard to go through, especially because you watched your mom go through it.

May The Lord give you and your son comfort, peace and strength for this difficult time. May HE give your son physical comfort during his passing.
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I am so sorry. When my mother was in the final cancer stages, she had a morphine driver that pumped measured doses into her arm around the clock. I had the same thing the night after an abdominal hysterectomy (and I remember nothing about the rest of the night). That seemed to make M semi-conscious and in no pain, as well as avoiding the misery for both of us of her having to swallow medication. I have always suspected that the dose was a bit high, and hastened the end. Perhaps semi-consciousness and a quick end is the best for both of you – you could ask about the morphine driver?
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