
He was discharged from hospital and sent to a memory care. He also has alcohol induced dementia and insists on going home. Who makes that decision?

I assume he never informed any of the medical people that you have his POA. Is he cognizant enough to understand your role and specifically what you can do for him, or is he just generally saying that he wants to go home without specifying that he wants you as his Agent to make this happen?

Have you already been using the POA to do other things for him, like bill-paying? Does he need you to start doing things now, like selling his house to pay for the memory care if he stays there?

The most important question (I think) is, would he be safe if you used the POA to get him released? Does he drive while intoxicated, for example?

Does the MC facility know about his alcoholism? He might need special treatment to safely detox.

This sounds complicated. How are you feeling about being in the situation?
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Reply to MG8522

Depending on his level of cognition, he may still be in charge of himself.

Do you think he should go home? If not, you can play the redirect, divert game and blame it on the doctors.

I would encourage you to NOT help him get home. If he can pull off all the steps to getting home, memory care may be to soon, if not, it gives him something to dream about and plan about but, comes to nothing because he isn't able to do it and you aren't helping him do it.

I found that the hospital doctor that said my dad needed memory care facility didn't know what he was talking about. My dad DID NOT need memory care level placement and it would have killed him to be placed in the incorrect level of care.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

A hospital would not be able to send a patient to Memory care unless its part of a LTC facility that takes Medicaid. For Assisted living and Memory care private facilities, you must have money. There is no way a Hospital would have access to a patients finances.

Did you inform the hospital you held POA? If not, then they may have gotten the State involved and if so a guardian was assigned by the court. This person would now be incharge of this man and your POA is revoked. You may have no say what happens to this man.

You need to find out how this happened without you being informed.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Well you could try to use the POA to change this decision, but should you? If he has alcohol-induced dementia, isn't that where he belongs?
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Reply to MG8522

You say he was sent to memory care.
If YOU are his POA how did this happen without you?
Who sent him to memory care?
Is he a ward of the state?
Time to talk to the MC he is at and see who his assigned guardian is, if not YOU.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I can only guess that the reason the hospital discharged your friend to memory care is because they did not have a copy of your supposed POA on file in their records.
He is now where he belongs and is safe and being taken care of, so just tell him that he has to stay there until his doctors say he can go home, which of course will be never.
And make sure that you visit him once he's adjusted to his new home.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

First of all, the PoA needs to be active according to what is outline in the document. Usually this is 1 (sometimes 2) medical diagnosis of incapacity warranting the decision-making of the PoA. I got a signed diagnosis by my Mom's primary doc on their clinic letterhead.

Then you need to take the document to the facility, and to your friend's doctors. your friend has dementia he probably never told them he has a PoA or couldn't remember your contact info.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

Perhaps they felt this Person can not Live independently and sent him to Memory care . Do you have healthcare Proxy ? Ask His Doctor why ?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to KNance72

If he has dementia, memory care is likely where he needs to be. Nobody wants to go there and they all say they want to go home.

but I guess your point is you didn’t approve it? No one discussed it with you?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Bulldog54321

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