
My mother has been added to Palliative Care. My understanding is that they are to ease her pain as much as possible. At home she was put on Tylenol with Codeine 3. When I finally had to put her in a nursing home because I could no longer lift her due to messing up my rotator cuff, she was in more pain. I asked if she was being given her TC3. They had no order whatsoever. She is now getting it three times a day. Mom is still in intense pain. It doesn't help that she is full of arthritis. She had neck and back surgery several years ago and it didn't seem to help much. Her surgeon said there was no other surgery that would help. I have never talked to a doctor nor have I ever seen one at the nursing facility. Granted I am limited on the trips I am able to make, so I can't fault the NH for that yet. To whom do I talk with to see if there is more that can be medically done. She is at the point that they get her up for two hours in the morning and she is in bed the rest of the time because she cannot sit up without pain. Mom does sleep a lot and I can understand that. She also stays very cold and wears a long sleeved shirt and a diaper. Sometimes if they know I'm going to show up she'll have pants on, but when they take them off to clean her the pants go into the laundry basket and she is just covered up after having a new diaper put on.There is no patient advocate; only a social worker. The social worker doesn't have the time nor makes the effort to answer my requests for advice. She makes me feel like I'm disrupting her day. I want my mother to have the best possible care for what time she has left, but there are so many residents per wing and very few capable aides who care enough to go that extra step.I'm asking for sound advice. If you are only going to attack me then please do not respond. I don't want it nor do I need it. Thank you.

Do you know who is providing the palliative care? You should have that information and of course they should be addressing her pain and talking to you about it, assuming you are her medical POA. Palliative care practitioners can prescribe heavy duty painkillers if indicated. They are typically affiliated with hospice also, so perhaps your mom doesn’t qualify yet. At any rate, that’s who I would be speaking to and I would not stop until her pain is managed. Tell them that you want regular updates and if you don’t get them, you call and make yourself heard.

I will say that because your mom is in the bed most of the day, it is much easier to provide care without dealing with pulling pants up and down. Moving her to do this likely increases her pain, but of course they should be keeping her warm with plenty of blankets.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MidwestOT
uarew6 Feb 2, 2025
Thank you MidwestOT. I finally got through to the head nurse and she told me she would talk to the doctor about upping her pain medicine. She also said she would call me back. Haven't heard a word, so am calling the social worker again tomorrow. If she talks to me like she did the last time, I will go over her head and speak to the ombudsman.
Doctors are very limited in prescribing opiates. They can lose their license because under federal laws and palliative care, they would be creating a drug addict. Changing to hospice will get her more drugs. She is suffering under palliative care
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MACinCT
uarew6 Feb 2, 2025
Thank you MACinCT. I can understand if it was a primary, but Good Lord. I imagine with the federal laws, they would miss out on some money some where which is why they won't let doctors do their jobs. Now I will research hospice and see if I can get her in there. Up till now, all I've gotten from them is she's not bad enough.
Maybe Mom needs Hospice. Then she will be given Morphine. Does she have a specislist? Can the facility Doctor not consult with him. Maybe this facility is not a good fit for Mom.

My daughter has worked NHs for over 20 yrs as an LPN and an RN and she says no one is told who is Medicaid and who is private pay. All residents are treated the same. Yes, staff may figure it out but its cruel and abusive to leave a person in pain like this.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

Ask for a care plan meeting with the administrator or director of the nursing home. They are supposed to schedule these regularly. My mother’s nursing home had them with us every 3 months. At the meeting, start with some positives about the place, some workers by name who have been kind, even if you have to think hard to come up with good things, it makes it clear you’re not just negative. State your concerns as free of emotion as you can. Ask for solutions, such as extra blankets for mom, the doctor assessing her for better pain management, use of a Geri chair for better positioning while sitting up. If you don’t results after some time, contact the ombudsman for the place. Their contact information has to be posted on site. I wish you well in advocating for your mother
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Talk with the Administrator of the Nursing home and ask these questions.
We are a Forum of strangers without any power here, and as you recognize in your note above, this is a medical issue. Palliative care, you are correct, is USUALLY much better about addressing pain. Arrange a discussion with Mom's doctor if you are her POA or responsible party.
Tell the doctor what you have told us.
Do update us after you speak with responsible parties. I wish you the very best of luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
uarew6 Feb 2, 2025
Thank you AlvaDeer. I'm about ready to go over their heads. When I ask when the doctor would be seeing her; I get no answer. When I ask for the doctor's name; I get no answer. As per others insightfulness, I will look into hospice again and talk to the social worker one more time.
This is so very distressing. I'm wondering if she's in a county Medicaid facility? My SFIL was in one of those and it was awful.

Is she on Medicaid and this is why there's a social worker involved? Are you her PoA? I'm only asking these questions to see where any power/authority resides in order to suggest solutions.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
uarew6 Feb 2, 2025
Geaton777, I am my mother's POA on everything. Finances, Medical, Funeral, etc. She is not eligible for Medicaid because she gets too much money from Social Security. They allow her $102 a month, which I have asked about it coming to me as her only child. I was told I had to wait until she passes then apply for the money. In the meantime, they are getting big bucks from her and I don't see much in return for her care. I'm not saying she deserves more than others, but they should be adjusting meds, etc better and keeping me in the loop. As a matter of fact, I stopped at the nurses' station to set mom up for a luncheon date with one of my sons and his wife. I made the comment that I was tired of coming to pick her up and her not being ready nor getting return phone calls. The nurse told me she was surprised that I was straight forward and just come out with it. I guess I'm still trying to remind them of things that should be done. The social worker is the first contact after the head nurse. As I have stated before if she gives me attitude, then going to the ombudsman.
I am sorry, it sounds as though you presence is needed daily at this nursing home, is there any possibility of moving her? As for the pain - there are pain patches and topical creams that might help her but they would need a doctor's order. One partial solution would be to hire an outside caregiver to be your eyes and ears when you can't be there and to give your mom extra attention
The part about leaving her without pants because it is easier would have me furious! When my mom's dementia was advanced they asked me to buy modified clothing that was designed for wheelchair users, like this
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to cwillie
uarew6 Feb 2, 2025
Thank you cwillie. I was impressed at the advancements made for wheelchair bound persons. Only problem is I don't have the money to buy $50+ pants. She wears sweat pants only and has for several years. I'm told if I buy stuff for her they would reimburse me. Question is when and when or should I say when. I'm on widow benefits myself, between rent, electric and internet I'm paycheck to paycheck. I'm not eligible for medicaid nor am I eligible for the SMLB even though my gross is under the poverty line for 2023.
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