
Dad net daily care and i am the one taking care of him unable to go back to work due to Dads Demential.

Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

sshuluga12345, welcome to the forum. Most of us here who have/are taking care of their parents do not get paid, unless the parents can pay you. If your parents can budget that expense, then you would need to draw up an employment agreement, plus have payroll taxes taken out of your pay. There are pay-check companies that can do that for a fee.

Another pay of getting paid is if your parents qualify for Medicaid (which is different from Medicare). It depends on your State as each State has their own programs. Don't be surprised if the pay is minimum wage for a few hours each week. Medicaid is funded by the taxpayers.

I remember back when my parents (who were also in their 90's) asked me to retire from my career. I asked Dad if he left his job to take care of his parents, I knew the answer, and Dad never asked me again. I did what I could for them after work and on weekends.

Sadly, too many adult children give up work to care for parents, which I understand, but then they find themselves without enough funds for their own aging. Then their children (if they have any) find themselves stepping in to help, thus giving up their own jobs.

Geaton777 had posted a link with very good information :)
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to freqflyer

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