My mom has been declining for a few months. She went into the hospital for UTI that turned sepsis. The confusion since antibiotics has worsened. She is refusing food now. Took 1 hour to coax 5 bites. Ability to follow direction is poor. Asking about her dead mother. All her tests are looking good despite being a long time alcoholic, except blood pressure is soft (85/50 I think last time I looked). BP is being maintained by IV fluids on and off.
Doctor said I could agree to a feeding tube but they'd have to restrain her if she tries to pull it out (she's been pulling on other tubes). He said it's not comfortable to have it. She seems to be in a general baseline of in pain. Moving her makes her cry out. Dr recommended hospice but gave me all my options.
I'm a huge advocate for hospice but I don't want to jump the gun. Even so, if she does magically improve, she hasn't walked in 5 years. She missed my wedding earlier this year because it was too hard to sit upright in her wheelchair.
With my dad it was no question. His liver was non functional. With my mom it seems like her body just wants to give up but am I giving up too??? There are absolutely worse things than death, and I only want comfort for her.
I think doctors put if off as it may freak people out. They may also not suggest it because they are taught to CURE and Hospice is not curative. (there goes a billing resource) It is nice that you have a doctor that recommended Hospice.
You can contact Hospice and if you later change your mind you can revoke it.
But as long as mom is not getting better, she can remain stable, she can continue with Hospice.
And please no feeding tubes or IV's for hydration.
I rejoice for both of you that her journey is going to be over soon and she will no longer be suffering.
May The Lord give you wisdom, guidance, courage and peace right now. You are not giving up but accepting the reality of her condition.
I'm so very sorry you're going through this. Don't think of it as giving up on mom - her body's doing that. It will happen to all of us. Your responsibility is to let her know she is loved and to make sure she is comfortable. Hospice will help you do that.
Wishing Mom a comfortable passing .