
My sister told my mom that my uncle died a few weeks ago and now she sleeps all day and barely eats.

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I did that after my brother Passed till I saw a grief counselor . I was so depressed sleep seemed Like the Only answer. try grief counseling . I Raised My brother so It was Like Losing a son .
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Following. Others have seen my story about my dad. On top of everything going on, his best friend/ one of his only friends is about to die, likely in the next few days. Last my dad was in touch with him 2 weeks ago, he was doing fine. I havent told my dad yet, and I'm not sure when to tell him/ how. it will likely make him even worse than he currently is. I may hold off telling him for a while.
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KNance72 Jun 6, 2024
Gee that is a tough One
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This would be normal.
I find Dawn's advice lovely. Hope you will consider it.
Time is often the only answer to healing. Meanwhile honor and celebrate the life of the one lost.
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Suggest to Mom it is time to find something positive to do to honor his life. Plant a rose bush or small tree in his memory. Watch it grow, It's the cycle of life, we are born and we all die.

More reason to not waste the valuable years we have left wallowing in sadness and sleeping all day. Get out of bed and honor your loved one instead. Cherish what you have now, not what you lost.
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NeedHelpWithMom Jun 6, 2024
My best friend gave me a beautiful tree when my dad died. I think of my dad every time I see it in my backyard.
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It’s hard to get old and see the losses piling up. I watched this with my dad, he mourned the losses of so many friends and family. He was helped a lot by starting a low dose of Zoloft to help cope with sadness. Perhaps your mom should be evaluated for something like this. I wish you both peace
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Maybe she should see her primary doctor to be checked out .

Also see about grief counseling .
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I don’t find her reaction to be highly unusual. Do you? If she was close to this uncle, she is grieving a loss in her life.

You haven’t shared anything about your mom’s condition. Is there anything else that we should know about?

It’s hard to assess a situation with so little information.
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