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ADMINS I am reporting my own comment so you can manage VictoriaRose's profile where she lists address and phone number and remove those for her safety.
Victoria Rose, why did they remove you from your section 8 housing? Were you not paying the amount that you have to pay out of your assets? If "they forced" you to move to this motel that means you have a case manager. Let her know what is going on and work with her for housing. Call APS or your local council on aging if you don't get anywhere with that, or visit your local women's shelter.
I am so very dreadfully sorry you are facing this hardship. Try to find some connection with your community who may have members alike facing these problems so they may have someone to guide you to, or some options.
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There is a reason why HUD is no longer helping you after 10 yrs. Go to your Social Service office and see how they can help u. Maybe you can get a voucher for now for the hotel.
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Victoria, I am so sorry for your dire situation. Can you rent a room in someone's home instead of an apartment? It's a lot more affordable. At least temporarily until you find something else better.

Please update us. We care.
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I just read your profile. Please remove your personal information from it.

I am very sorry that you are in this position. I’m sure that you are feeling extremely anxious about your future.

Have you looked into senior housing apartments? The rent is based off of your income.

Have you considered having a roommate?

What happened with the HUD situation?

Please call the suicide hotline if you feel like you don’t want to live any longer.

Wishing you all the best.
Helpful Answer (3)

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