
My parents are not eating well when at home. My mom has dementia, but it's not that bad. She also has has bad pain in her legs and back. This pain isn't well managed at home. She is in rehab now and eating better, in therapy, and her attention span and pain are better. My Dad is in rehab there as well for a broken shoulder due to a recent fall. He does not eat properly and does not manage his diabetes. He eats too much sugar and is a picky eater. My parents are better in rehab, but they are very independent. They are missing their home. They do not follow medical advice and will not pay to have meals prepared for them. I volunteered to move across the country, away from my hubby, to help them. My brother lives locally, but is worn out with constant emergency broom visits for diabetes issues and falls for Dad, and pain and lack of eating issues for Mom. I've missed lots of time with them in my adult life. I'd love to spend time and help them. My hubby is ok with it. But, am I walking into a no win situation? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Don’t do it !!!
You say your parents are very independent . They are not . This is why they are doing better in rehab than they do at home.
Your parents also refuse to have hired help come into the home . This is too much work for one person , you will burn out .

Your parents will want to be in control of what happens at home . This will not work out . Caregiving needs to be on the caregivers terms . They will see you as the child and want to be in charge .

It is not about what they want , it’s about what they need . Since your parents refuse to let hired help in the home , then they need to be placed in a facility .

If they go home it will be very difficult to get them to leave when you get burned out . Do not take them home . Place them now . This could go on for years, you will burn out , your marriage will suffer or end in divorce . They will end up in a facility anyway , when you collapse .
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to waytomisery
olddude Jan 13, 2025
Nailed it. And when the home care disintegrates (and it always does) her parents will have to go into AL anyway, and by that time her marriage will be blown to smithereens.
Sounds like you have great intentions and possibly some misplaced guilt for not being around more. I’m afraid the big picture may be vastly underestimated. Dementia “not that bad” sadly, always becomes that bad. Don’t decide anything based on how things are now, both parents will continue the inevitable decline. Dad’s choices on nutrition won’t be overruled by your efforts, he may eat somewhat better but he will still eat what he craves and make poor decisions. He’s decided this as a diabetic years ago. Don’t underestimate the impact on your marriage, resentments creep in when one side comes to feel neglected and left out. You might be here asking as intuition is telling you it’s a “no win situation” Your parents merely have the illusion of independence, you swooping in will extend that illusion for them and exhaust you. I wish you wisdom and peace on this
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to Daughterof1930

You're buying a one way ticket to crazy town. Don't do it
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to peanuttyxx

They do better in rehab because they are not able to care for themselves, they are not independent.

Of course they want to be back in their home, who doesn't, however there comes a time when it is no longer about "Wants" it is about "Needs".

Your intentions are great, but in reality, this is will not work for the long term as dementia does not get better, it only goes one way, downhill.

There is no way one person can handle two elderly sick people in their own home. They need 24/7 care in a facility for everyone's well-being.

Your brother is already burned out and I assume he is not living with them, that tells you everything you need to know.

My mother is 99, soon to be 100, in AL your parents can live for a long time, don't assume they won't, you will have no life, this is not a short-term project to make yourself feel better because you were not closely involved in their life for some time.

I wish you the very best!
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to MeDolly

My advice to you would be to stay home with your husband where you belong and help your brother now find the right facility for both your parents to move into.
Of course they want to stay in their home....we all do, but sometimes that just isn't the best option for where someone is in their aging process. And your parents are well beyond being able to stay at home and if you go and try to prop up their false sense of being independent you are not only hurting yourself but are hurting them as well.
We will all at some point in our lives have to face the truth that what we want and what we need are often 2 completely different things.
So please don't let your parents continue to live the lie that they can live by themselves in their home anymore even with your full-time help, as all it will do other than propping them up is cause strife in your marriage and cause severe caregiver burnout.
Your parents are now in the perfect position of being placed in a facility since they're both now in rehab, so talk to the rehab social worker today about finding the right facility where they both can be placed in together, so you and your brother can just be their loving children and advocates and not their burned out and overwhelmed caregivers.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to funkygrandma59

If your parents are "independent", why is your brother worn out?

If your parents are "independent", why are they so much better off in rehab?

Because they may think they're independent, but they are not.

They need someone to cook and clean for them, help with personal care and hygiene, finances and health care.

That is more than a full time job: for EACH of them.

Take a trip and be "boots on the ground" for a week or so and find them a good facility. Let your brother have some respite and get a bead on what their ACTUAL needs are.

DO NOT move in!
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

Your parents now need 24/7 care and management.
You would not be their DD (darling daughter) but a caregiver.
Caregivers are hated; they represent all that is loss and all that is pain for the failing parent. Don't go there.
Your parents need several shifts with several people each.
To even begin to think you could care for these two, whose condition will rapidly worsen, shows a serious lack of knowledge.
My advice is to place them FROM rehab, which have a limited amount of stay time paid for.

The truth is that NO senior wants this. I am 82. I can guarantee it. But to not recognize you need 24/7 care and to allow a child who is in no way qualified to do any of this to throw their lives on your own burning funeral pyre? It is both selfish and a very slow burn.

I caution you to stay on the Forum and read. Read a lot.
If you take on caregiving there will be ZERO left for your hubby. In fact, a minus zero in that you yourself will be quite ill with it.

Speak to those doing this care to understand that this is or is not some way you wish to spend the next several decades.
You are an adult and capable of researching and making decisions for your own life. Only you will bear the consequences of it.

I am so sorry, but no one will thank you. You will not be the treasured daughter. You will be the advisor, carer, limit-setter, and you will be fought against with the last of their strength, which--trust me--will be strong out of their desperation and despair.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Your parents are not independent . They are stubborn . Caring for my mother who was similar ruined our relationship , and I nearly lost my marriage . Luckily I woke up .

Stubborn people do not appreciate the help you are wanting to give . Trust me I did it for over a decade. Like Alva said , you become the mean person in their life . I thought Mom would be cooperative because I was helping to keep her in her home , but instead it was a nightmare.

Your parents are declining , life is one loss after the other . They will be unhappy no matter where they live . Place them and be a visiting daughter rather than a burned out caregiver served with divorce papers . And don’t let your parents guilt trip you over placing them . You did not make them old and you can’t fix old .
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to waytomisery

Good Lord, no. Do not abandon your husband-- and why on earth is he fine with you leaving him indefinitely?! What's up with that?
You are wanting to make up for lost time with your parents. Understandable. But this is not the way to do it.

You being there will not miraculously make your parents eat better or take better care of themselves. You're their child and in their house. You think they're going to do as you ask them? Ha. They are not going to take directions from their kids. As the saying goes, a castle cannot have two queens. 

They will have little incentive to improve, because there will be you there, doing it all, and all the responsibility goes to YOU. So what if they get sick, fall, whatever? It's YOUR problem. They know you'll tend to them so no reason to change or heal.

You will not be "spending time with them and helping them". You'll be a nurse, maid, therapist, lifter, pharmacist, short order cook, counselor, driver, cleaner, schedule coordinator, and cheerleader for two uncooperative people. For months or years.

Sorry, but you have no idea what you'd be stepping into. Your parents are not 'independent'. They are stubborn. And if they are fine with you leaving your husband and everything else behind, they are selfish too. No loving parent would allow it. And at some point the husband will be tired of being left alone, and someone else may take your place. I’ve seen this happen more than once, from people you’d never expect to become unfaithful.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to LoopyLoo

Interesting wording in your headline - "while still married." That's very revealing. Are you getting the feeling that if you leave your husband temporarily it could become permanent?

Moving away from husband to care for parents is an awful idea. A.W.F.U.L.
You will be caught up in a situation so desperate that you won't be able to free yourself without making them mad or making husband mad or making yourself crazy-mad.

As for the dementia, it's always THAT bad. It never gets better, and guess who will have to deal with it - you. Ever picked up a blob of adult poop off the floor of your house? Ever expected them to be where you left them, like in the living room, and you go to check on them and they are gone? Like gone out of the house? And you have no idea where to look because they're not even in the neighborhood? Ever watched mom eat her paper napkin, or you only find out she's eaten it when it falls out of her mouth in a sodden pasty hard knob? That she could have swallowed and choked on while you were clearing the table?

They aren't the people you've missed time with in your adult life. Their brains are broken. You won't enjoy helping them because it's going to be hell, like when one of them screams all night long and you can't make them stop. And then you're too tired the next day to take care of the other one.

Enjoy your husband. Move your parents to a 24/7 facility where a team will be taking care of them. And never ever consider taking them into your own home thinking that it would be easier and husband will be there to help. Nononononononono. Read a lot of posts on this site and you'll understand better.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Fawnby

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