
she has been living with us for two years. She irresponsibly lost all of her savings. I am being told by friends, family and therapist that she needs to leave but she has nowhere to go. Guidance is much appreciated!

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Who cares if she has nowhere to go? She has made her bed and now she gets to lie in it.
You owe your mother NOTHING. As in NOTHING.
As long as you continue to enable her bad behavior things will never change.
Apply for Medicaid for her, and get her placed in a Medicaid assisted living facility.
But sadly since you've allowed her to live with you for 2 years, you'll more than likely have to go through the eviction process to actually get her out.
So start the process TODAY!
Helpful Answer (16)

The next time she has a hospital stay of at least three days do not accept her back at your house. Get her placed in a rehab that will accept Medicaid after Medicare stops paying and/or have them arrange for release to a Medicaid facility when the rehab stay is completed. Do not accept her back at your house. Tell them you cannot care for her and to do so would be an unsafe discharge.
If that strategy is not possible, start the search for a Medicaid facility and get help with a Medicaid application.
Helpful Answer (11)
CaringWifeAZ Jul 28, 2024
That is good advice, but who wants to wait for a hospitalization to happen?
That could be years!
They need to act now!
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get her on Medicaid status ASAP.
Then can try to get her into nursing home or assisted living.
probably you cant do much with SS alone. Unless family is willing to chip in some money for AL until she qualifies for medicaid
Helpful Answer (9)

Once you have taken your parent into your home you have made it their home. You have painted yourself into a corner that will not easily be gotten out of. Courage and honesty are the only answers. You will need to tell your parent that you no longer wish to live with her. Reassure her that you will assist her in applying for medicaid and assist her in finding the best placement you are able to find in these circumstances. Perhaps consider a "six pack" as they are called--a board and care that is more home like and often run by a family.

Not easily done. Be certain it doesn't pass into the realm of argument and justifying it. Simply say that your limitations are such that this is not working for you and you wish now to live alone.
Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (9)
cover9339 Jul 28, 2024
Good luck finding a decent board and care if you go that route.
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See an elder attorney to get Medicaid started immediately as this is an emergency situation.
Helpful Answer (8)

Connect her with a social worker from her county. See if she qualifies for Section 8 housing, food stamps, etc.

Why does she live with you? She isn't 65 yet so she can get a job.
Helpful Answer (7)
Geaton777 Jul 24, 2024
Yes, 87. I shouldn't be reading or writing at midnight!
You do not allow her to ruin your lives.
However, you have allowed this behavior so she adjusted to it - knowing she can 'rule the roost' without any consequences.


As long as she is still with you, you leave when she speaks to you or any family member in a disrespectful manner.
- You walk out.
- As long as she is there, you do the bare essentials: feed / bring her food, manage hygiene care as needed.
- You do not speak of dementia. Find out / have her assessed.
* if she understands, you tell her "talking to (me) (other family member) is not acceptable. And walk out.

"If" she wants you / others in the household to spend more time with her aside from the bare essentials, she will / may 'get it' that she needs to change in order to get more interaction / company.

When is medicaid happening?

* She needs to live solely on her soc sec. Never ever supplement as it then appears that she has more income that she actually has

* Keep good financial records - expenditures

* Check into nursing homes and their financial requirements.

As needed, it you may want to hire an attorney specializing in these areas (elders, government subsidiaries, soc sec) and find out exactly what your options are.

Get into (temporary / short term) therapy if you feel it will help you/r family. I believe that narcissistic personality types / mothers means that you likely have been traumatized since childhood. That you may feel stuck and/or unable to assert yourself is understandable. Now that you feel she is 'ruining' your lives (you allowed it; she didn't do it by yourself), you are ready to make some changes. Start with telling her that she needs to talk to you/your family with respect. Mirror the words you want her to say as she likely / may not know.
"Ask me nicely, like this "xxxx" (when she wants something).
This change of interpersonal dynamics will / may shock her, depending on her cognitive abilities. It is new behavior / communication for both of you.
Take one step at a time.
Take care of yourself - 'self care' is critically important -
Eat healthy
Exercise / move
Do self-care affirmations / visualizations
Take breaks as needed
Do not offer 'empty threats' - when you say "if you continue to (xxx) talk to me like this, I will leave ... then walk out. Empty threats won't do any good... just exhaust you.

Role play as you need to.
Asserting yourself may feel very new.
Be patient and kind to / with yourself.

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (7)

This is so sad. WE are NEVER prepared for bringing a senior in our homes. My mom lived with my husband and I for five years. It was an emergency situation where she needed care after a major surgery. My sister and brother could not come together mentally to work out a way where she could stay in her home. My husband and I moved her miles away to stay with us. I knew my mother didn't want to leave her home. She felt forced to leave.
It's just my husband and I and I'm retired. We opened our doors and fixed up our home to make it comfortable for her to get around. She had plenty of health issues and many doctor appointments almost every month. It was so hard for her to adjust mentally and yes she gave us a hard time. The only thing I regret is not going to and Elder Lawyer to make sure we had everything in place before she moved.
The day came where she called me to tell me, she'll except our invitation to stay with us. It was the stairs we worried about and our home has no stairs.
We setup everything to make it comfortable. We even allowed her to have two bedrooms so that she could have a TV room with a comfortable reclining chair with the lift (Never asked her for a dime). With all we did, the chair wasn't good enough, the room was either to cold or to hot etc. And, she was set in her ways. She pushed herself to keep moving but, was totally in denial. She was all bent over and her knee was turning in with bone on bone. Yesss, we got very frustrated and my husband had to deal with not having my attention all the time. I couldn't leave her alone without making sure she had her breakfast lunch and dinner. My daughter and her husband helped me by running errands, and spending time with her. I worked hard to keep everyone happy.
But, things happen fast!! And you never know when that time will come when your love one just can't do it anymore. My mom, walked slowing to her bedroom one evening. I wasn't even a week where she lost movement in her legs, even when she tried. I didn't know how to care for her anymore. Trying to turn her to clean her lasted over an hour and I still had to cook and take care of my home and family.
Then the day came where I knew she needed to go to the hospital (she stopped eating, didn't want her medications or wouldn't trust me giving them to her anymore.) I told the social worker I needed help because I am not setup to give her the care she needed. They only kept her in the hospital due to her coumadin blood levels. She ended up in rehab. Then we found out she was having a stroke (Blood clot in the heart). I talked to my family and neither my brother or my sister rushed to come help me. It was my husband, my daughter and her family. We planned to bring her home and do what ever we could to care for her.
I made sure I came twice a day to give her a bath brush her teeth and wash her face.
We even moved her from one rehab to one that was only three minutes away.
A smaller rehab would have been best because, the one that was close to me, showed it had everything but, I quickly could tell they were under staffed.
I made choices that my mom wasn't willing to do before she moved and when her health started declining.
She had money in the bank but she changed her accounts without beneficiaries. It was a mess!!! The bank she trusted? There is non where we live.
With all this, I just want to suggest that you look at the years as a little peace of time. Get family involved if you can and, for those who are thinking about moving a love one in your home? Make sure you get the resources you need to help you. Don't move them in without asking them to see a Elder lawyer with you (if they can.). Keep good records and love them no matter what. My mom's memory started going and it was no way I could get her to finish the important things that never was done.
If you don't have the money for a good senior home or in home care? Just stay close to them and help when the care givers can't.
Helpful Answer (7)
liz1906 Aug 1, 2024
This is a beautiful and compassionate letter. Outstanding advice: "Don't move them in without asking them to see a Elder lawyer with you (if they can.). "Keep good records and love them no matter what." I am sure you have no regrets. May you be blessed.
Although it is commendable for adult children to want to help take care of their aging parents, it is not required. You are not responsible for her life!

Find an inexpensive apartment for her, and help her move in.
If that is not feasible, or she can not live on her own (take care of herself),
then she is a candidate for a nursing home or assisted living.
Assisted living is pretty expensive, and not covered by medicare/medicaid.
If she is accepted into a nursing home, her entire income will likely go to cover the cost, and a social worker will probably help her apply for medicaid assistance to cover the rest.

Follow your heart, and don't feel guilty if you don't feel compelled to take care of her needs. We reap what we sow. If she has not been a good parent or a responsible person, that is not your problem!
Helpful Answer (4)

Find somewhere for her to go. Nursing home on medicaid is probably your best best. Do you POA over her?
Helpful Answer (4)

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