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With your mom having had a stroke and now dementia, I can only guess that yes, in fact she is falling. Probably a lot.
Falling is one of the many symptoms of dementia, and someone with it should never be living on their own.
It's time for you and whoever is moms POA to start looking into other safer options for her like assisted living with a memory care unit for when she progresses, full-time in-home help, or in one of your homes, which I really don't recommend.
Falling is one of the main reasons folks with will die before the actual disease of dementia will take them out.
Please for your moms sake, quit living in denial about her being "independent" and get her the help she needs.
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Is she falling ? Falling is common .
Anyway , she has dementia and needs supervision either in her home or assisted living .
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From your profile:

I am caring for my mother Diane, living at home with age-related decline, alzheimer's / dementia, stroke, and vision problems.

You say your mother lives independently, yet has Alzheimer's/dementia and tells people she falls. Is this normal? Do you understand dementia? Folks with dementia confabulate, or tell stories THEY believe to be true.
There is nothing normal about dementia.

Folks with dementia should not be living independently because they're NOT independent! How do you know mom is not falling, with dementia and vision problems, if she's living alone??

Please take your mother's claims of falling more seriously, unless you know for a fact she isn't falling becausevshes not alone....and then she's confabulating. Look into getting her in home help or moved into managed care now, for safety reasons.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (5)

IS your Mother falling?
Helpful Answer (3)

Djetc, what is the question? Is the problem that she falls, or is the problem that she tells people she falls but in fact it’s not true? If she falls, at age 88 you would expect bruises at best, broken bones at worse. Or even (perhaps) that whichever is true, you don't think she should be living on her own. More information, please.
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