
She’s only been to the doctor 4 times in her life so has very strong ideas about doctors visits. I need advice. Can I force the issue ?

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No, you won't be able to force a resistant adult unless you are her active PoA or legal guardian. Even then it would be tricky.

If she has all/most of her mind then leave her alone and if the pain doesn't go away she will eventually need to problem solve it, except you should not be the "solver" unless she becomes reasonable and is willing to go get it imaged. If she won't accept a logical solution then she gets to live with her pain. If she falls again do not pick her up -- call 911 for a lift assist and they may be able to convince her to go the ER.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Can your mother walk?
Have you examined the leg? Can she move it in all directions.
If you are uncertain then call the ambulance so she can be xrayed; she will likely return home right away.
If you are certain there appear no mobility problems, then don't call.
In extended care facility the question is whether the head takes a hit or not. You cannot risk a brain bleed.
Keep an eye on the leg and watch for any problems.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Is mom cognizant?
If she does not have diagnosed dementia she can make her own decisions.
Are you POA and have you made other decisions for her? If so this might be a time when you make the decision for her.
If this is going to effect how you care for her if you are her caregiver you can stress the fact that if she is injured it will make things more difficult.
All that said if she is having a LOT of pain, if there is any swelling, if there is any redness, tenderness I would just call 911. Do not take her yourself, ;she will probably be seen faster if she is brought in.
If it is just mild discomfort you could try a "Walk in Urgent Care" but if they do an X-ray they may tell you that she needs to go to the ER. (depending on her insurance some the co-pay is much higher if you go to the ER first)
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954

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