My dad had 4 strokes recently, 1 in the front of his brain in April. He was in the hospital April through the beginning of July than they put him in a nursing home for physical therapy. I've been going back and forth with his girlfriend because he's staying out of town. Now its August and just yesterday I'm finding out his girlfriend had to call the police and ambulance to the nursing home because his feeding tube was infected in additoin to a UTI. The hospital says he's declining, so they are putting him in hospice at her house. Please can someone answer or ask something that can lead to an answer? I've been trying to have him moved back in with me but no luck so far.
You can challenge the girlfriend, complain to your dad, and in general be a PITA. But for what? Be their angel instead. That’s your best role at present.
Hospice is 24/7 care if done in a home and family is responsible to do that care or hire someone. A Hospice nurse comes out about once a week, more near the end. An aide 2 or 3x a week to bathe the patient. His GF will do the majority of care. Did he live with the GF? If so, he may be more comfortable in the home they shared. Maybe you can compromise. You go over every day and give her a break. Maybe spend the night so she can get a good nights sleep. Help her.
Now to the "nitty gritty"
Who is POA for your dad? Who does he have listed as to who the medical staff can call to authorize treatment? If it is his girlfriend or if dad can convey his wishes to be released to and cared for by his girlfriend then that is what they will do.
I hope you both are fully aware of how much care that there will be to care for your dad.
And I have to ask...where would your dad feel most comfortable? If he and GF have been living together that is his home. Even if they have no t been living together if he has spent a lot of time with her then that is where he will be at ease.
I understand that you want to care for dad.
At this time you can do what you can to make this time as pleasant and stress free for everyone.
Your dads GF will need a lot of help. And if she is like I was with my Husband letting someone else come in and care for him is not going to be easy. So she may resist getting "outside" caregivers, or "strangers". The best thing you can do is help her as much as possible when you can. Go and stay a few days so she can get a break.
If you have all had a great relationship that is a blessing for all of you. If things have been a bit "tense" it might be time to let that all go.
What ever decisions you make make them with your dad's wishes and best interest at heart even if that means you don't get exactly what you want.
Have they been living together for some time?
Have to spoken to the girlfriend?
It sounds as though your father is in steep decline now. If he has sepsis he may be dying quickly as the organs shut down one at a time. You do not give us his age, but it sounds as though this decline has been steady since his strokes.
It is important now that your father have peace during the time he dies.
His girlfriend is willing to have him in Hospice care in their home, it sounds like.
I will be honest to tell you that from the little you tell us your father will not be with you for long now, and if it is at all possible I feel your should travel to be with him in his last time.
That's my best guess from the little you are able to convey to us.
I am so sorry, and I wish a peaceful passing for your Dad with good drugs to keep him comfortable.
You Dad is currently with the woman he chose to spend his last years with. I hope you two can be a support to one another during this sad time. I do not think your father would survive a move such as you suggest.
In all reality with a feeding tube and in the condition he is in, he needs to just stay in the nursing facility, or moved to a hospice home where he can receive the care he requires and he can die as comfortable and pain free as possible.
I'm sorry that you're losing your dad, but I know you don't want him to continue as he is.