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No Will, someone can become an Administrator. Talk to probate.
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It sounds like a named executor can request medical records. If “there is not an executor of the estate declared, the law varies slightly per state.”

For Alabama, I see “ one has the right to obtain a deceased resident's medical records from an Alabama health care provider if the requester is the personal representative (such as the executor or administrator) of the deceased resident's estate.”

The administrator/personal representative is appointed through the probate process when there is no will), as I understand it, just like an executor when there is a will.

So my impression is that yes, only through the probate process do you (or someone) get the authority to request records, by virtue of being named the administrator. But once you have that, you can.

More certainty on this would have to cone through a lawyer.

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Seems legal advice may be needed.

Can I enquire to why you want his medical records? To find closure about about cause of death..? I can understand that.
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What is the reason to obtain medical records. Need some background
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