
Hello, my grandmother is a dementia patient, she's bedridden, can't walk or get out of bed for more than a year now. She's been wearing diapers for a long time now and we never had a problem like this before. Recently she started pushing off her pants and destroying her diapers, pulling it apart, putting it on backwards doesn't help. She mostly does this at night, but also in the day time. We don't really know why, maybe because she's stressed at needs to do something with her hands, or something along these lines. It's a nightmare to clean up the bits and pieces, also the pee keeps leaking. My mother cares for her next to work and cleaning it takes up a big part of her time, does anyone has any ideas what we should do? Sorry for grammar mistakes, English is not my first language

Yes to anti-strip jumpsuits (aka "adaptive" clothing for people with dementia).

Is she on any meds for anxiety/agitation? If not, maybe worth a discussion with her primary doctor.
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Reply to Geaton777
PacalMaster Jan 26, 2025
Yes, she is on some kind of calming medicine, I'm not sure what exactly though. After some other digging a lot of people said it might be a uti, and it checks out, so we're getting her sorted on that too! Thanks for your answer!
Anti strip clothing for dementia patients can be found on Amazon .
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to waytomisery

I am bumping you up.

I know there are one piece things that can be put on to help keep people from taking off their depends. You may want to talk to grandmoms doctor about some axiety medication. This may be her problem. Hopefully some has info on the one piece things. I never had this problem with my Mother.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29
PacalMaster Jan 26, 2025
Yes, we're looking for some one piece clothings for her, we're not able to buy anti strip clothes around out area, so we're looking for basic one-piece body suits, thank you for your answer!
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