
I don't know how to handle this.

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I’m so sorry. What your husband is seeing and believing he sees is inside his brain, which is broken as we say, by dementia. He’s not seeing with his eyes. You are frustrating yourself by trying to convince him he’s in his home. My mother believed her room at the nursing home was her apartment in Chicago ( she never had an apartment or lived in Chicago). The hallway outside her room was a street. Trying to convince her otherwise was futile. Yiur husband’s idea of “home” may be a building he lived in as a boy or young man.

We always advise to redirect. Change the television station. Go outside while the weather is still tolerable. Talk about something funny the kids or grandkids did. Tell him you met an old friend the other day and she said... You get to the point after a while you are so good at redirecting you can do it in your sleep. Good luck. .
Helpful Answer (1)
thank you so much..this is my 1st time on this site and can see it is the support i need..thank you so much
I have seen some success with placing a large sign, with his name on it and maybe a few photos from when he was young to middle age on the door to the home or a bedroom door. While this doesn't work for everyone, or probably even most people, it does work for some and it doesn't take a lot of time or energy to try. I wish you luck and success!!!
Helpful Answer (1)
thank you for the ideas...i really am at a loss as to what is the correct way to handle things...this was a big help and really worth a try....thank your for the support..
You can't. He is probably in a different stage of life and he is thinking of a previous home. Maybe the one he was raised in. As their mind dies so does the longterm and they tend to go backwards in age.
Helpful Answer (2)
yes that may be his situation as he talks about upstairs, which was a house he lived in at a young
age.... thank you for bringing that to my attention as never thought of gives me understanding..may many thanks
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