
Nothing has worked and I’m at the end of my rope. I’ve read all answers and none help. We have tried everything.

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Back you go to the doctor, because if everything else is tried then you are going to likely have to put him into the hospital for come and go surgical cutting of the nails with a mild sedation that doesn't put him completely out.
One cannot be bedridden for the lack of cutting nails.
Discuss with the podiatrist.
If there is no answer from modern medicine then there is no answer, and he will remain bedridden which will greatly hasten his death.
I am so sorry. I have seen these thick curling nails and I know what you speak of. This truly is now likely a surgical procedure.
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Hi Fireisland. I’m assuming that he is taken out of the house to podiatrists office. Maybe that is upsetting him some in addition to the procedure? I use a dremel on my Mom’s nails…she also has dementia. Maybe you could try after putting on some numbing cream and while he is eating and listening to music to relax/distract. Good luck!
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So even with feet soaked to make it better & Valium or similar, someone coming at me with a drill looking thing for my sensitive feet is a frightening concept.

Adding factors like possibly less ability to understand HOW this will benefit him plus how LONG it will take... Then add real pain.
Yes. A Problem.

A total screening to hide all of his legs & feet from his view & a local anaesthetic to actually numb his feet is all I can think of... This could not be done at home - have to be a day procedure type enviroment - slide over onto a bed until he could regain feeling to walk or transfer to a wheelchair.

I think I would ask the Podiatrist if this is even possible or ever recommended?
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I used a Tea tree oil / eucalyptus soap on My Dads Feet in the shower and got rid of the fungus .
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Nothing has worked to cure his fungus?

Nothing has worked to cut his thick nails?

Nothing has worked to coax him to allowing his toenails to be cut?

Does he experience pain while they are being cut?

All the above?

If a podiatrist can't help, I'm now sure what we can suggest... although I know podiatrists don't usually soak people's feet first. If you haven't started with a 10-minute, warm soak before cutting then try it. Also have you used a nipper (not a clipper).

Have you tried having someone sit with him to distract him while someone is doing the trimming? Incentives, like going out for a treat afterwards?,grip%20and%20easy%20to%20control.

Many senior centers have foot care nurses to do that task. Contact one or you local Area Agency on Aging for more resources.

And there are lots of thick toenail trimming videos on YouTube.
Helpful Answer (2)
Fireisland45 Mar 30, 2024
Thank you, he experiences real pain so he is terrified.
tried soaking etc, Valium. He still imagines pain.
OK, well his toenails are his.. BUT this effects you too.

This may be the duty of care of those looking after him - you, his Doctor, maybe staff (if he resides in care) VS his right to choose his own medical treahment for his own body.

But I'd be going with You need this done Mister. It will be done.

What is Dremel?
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Fireisland45 Mar 30, 2024
Thank you. A dremel is a tool podiatrists use for thick toenails. My husband could not tolerate it.
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