Mom has Alzheimer’s, we were told by nurse she has had perfect behavior with no incidents , but they were going to diagnose her as bipolar. My mom definitely is not bipolar, never witnessed any mood swings. We are trying to figure out how to refuse treatment.
If you are not on the HIPAA forms or you are not POA they legally can not give you any information.
If mom can sign forms then they can talk to you.
If mom is unable to then you need to see an attorney and obtain Guardianship.
Ask for a test for UTI and make sure it is the test that takes several days for results, not the quickie test that misses infections.
However, if she was admitted with Alz diagnosis, I believe her signature would not be legally authorized. The part about not returning phone calls seems off.
Contact an attorney immediately. I would also consider contacting:
* licensing board of this facility.
* Umbudsman
Gena / Touch Matters
AND.....It's odd to me that the dr doesn't want to speak to family to evaluate.
Edit: If this doesn't link all the way for you, copy & paste into your browser bar.
Read this:,apply%20to%20a%20personal%20representative.
You don't say why she was admitted to psych ward. Probably an undesirable behavior led to this. I would let the psych doctors do their assessment and try to find a suitable medication to calm erratic behaviors or troubling emotions of the patient. That may be a medication which is commonly used to treat bipolar, but can have other indications.
Has she been diagnosed by a doctor with alzheimers? Provide the hospital with all her medical records, and let the doctors share information. They can do a much better job, knowing her medical history and all medications, including non-prescribed, such as supplements, or if she uses alcohol or illicit drugs.
Again, your mother would have had to agree to allow her medical records to be shared. And, unless you are her medical representative, the Doctor is not obligated to tell you anything.
Similarly, a dementia patient who is calm and compliant isn't well behaved: they are fortunate to not be distressed or agitated.
Furthermore, I don't see what this has to do with a diagnosis of a mental health disorder.
I am very surprised at a modern day health professional using such judgemental and loaded language.
Are there any implications connected to a diagnosis of bipolar that worry you?
B) Who is the POA here? Who has an advance directive document appointing them as the person to be "informed"? Who is the next of kin? Who found out mother was hospitalized? Who has visited mother in hospital? Does mother give her permission for ONE PERSON who will be informed? And who is that person? In other words WHO IS MANAGING MOTHER'S CARE now she has dementia?
C) Does the POA/next of kin have the name of the diagnosing Neuro Psychiatric physician who diagnosed your mother with bipolar disorder?
D) How well informed are you about LOBD (late onset bipolar disease after age 60, which constitutes 25% of those recently diagnosed.)
This from the internet:
" Late-onset bipolar disorder (LOBD) typically occurs when a person is over the age of 50 years12. Research suggests that older adults with bipolar disorder may experience:
More frequent episodes
More depressive episodes and less time spent in manic or hypomanic states
Less severe manic symptoms and fewer psychotic features with mania
New symptoms, such as irritability and poor cognition
Lower risk of suicide, although this may be due to survivorship bias"
Often the only way to diagnose the many manifestations of bipolar is to understand whether or not Lithium works (some think we should add it to our water supplies! That's how effective it can be).
Your mother has dementia you tell us. Are you CERTAIN that is the case? LOBD (Late onset bipolar disease) is sometimes mistakenly diagnosed as dementia.
So step one here, for you, is to find out who the medical/general POA is for mother (or guardian or conservator) so that someone can get information from her physician.
There is certainly nothing that we here on Forum can do to help you but say "so sorry to hear this". You must get informed. Do update us. You present us with a fascinating thread here.
If no one is her PoA or Medical Representative then it's true, they don't have to divulge anything to you, regardless that you are family.
DId they test her for a UTI?
Does she live with you, or on her own?
If the psychiatrist treats her based upon the symptoms s/he sees, then this will help her, so why would you try to block this treatment? Does it matter whether the meds address her anxiety/agitation/whatever due to ALZ or BD? What did she do that landed her in the psych ward?