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Well you give no information.
If you would like to share more about what is going on that would help.,
But speculating....
Do you agree with the decisions that are being made? If not that may be why.
Do you agree with the choices that your mom would have made? If not that may be why.
Are they going along with what mom would want? If so, and you disagree that may be why.
Have you always had disagreements with your siblings? If so that may be why.

If there are disagreements then maybe it is time to put things in perspective and extend an olive branch and see what happens.

Are you able to see mom and spend time with her? If so great.
Are your siblings appointed POA's and you are not? If so they do not have to share with you decisions that are made and to do so may be a violation of HIPAA and fiduciary responsibilities. So they may be not sharing because they legally can't.
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You state siblings . So assuming you are the only one out of multiple siblings left out , have they given a reason ?

Are you disagreeing , or had there been some estrangement and now you are wanting “ a say ?”

My sister wanted “ a say” , she thought she was entitled to be involved in our parents “ end of life care “ . My sister was not chosen by my parents to be POA because they knew she would do what she thought should be done rather than following my parents’ wishes of no tube feedings. My sister hounded me , so I went no contact over it . She was kept apprised of my father’s condition the last few weeks of his life through a family phone chain . My sister was angry and demanded to have a phone call from me each evening . She didn’t get that my father dying wasn’t about what she wanted.
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